
The mayor of 'sanctuary cities' is in a wild hearing, which includes “criminal” transfers

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House Republicans started accusations among four mayors because of “sanctuary cities” during a controversial hearing, accused them of betrayal, against federal laws and had “blood” in their hands. A representative claimed that she would recommend the Ministry of Justice to bring a criminal investigation into her.

The mayors Eric Adams from New York City, Michelle Wu from Boston, Brandon Johnson from Chicago and Mike Johnston from Denver stood aggressive questions from members of the House Oversight Committee for hours on Wednesday.

As President Donald Trump, the hearing of the management of “Sanctuary City” tries to carry out his aggressive mass deportation plan and threatens to hold back federal financing from cities, which he believes that they affect his ability to do so.

With metaphorical weapons that were easy, the Republicans claimed that the mayors made their cities unsafe by adopting guidelines, protecting immigrants without papers with violent criminal rulers.

“I don't think you are bad people, but I think you are ideologically misleading. Therefore I will unfortunately refer you to the investigation of the Ministry of Justice”

The Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, reacts during an interruption of a home supervisory committee. Moments of the hearing were wild when representatives started attacks on the mayors ((Getty pictures)))

Criminal recommendations of the congress are not binding and informal.

It is unclear whether Luna made the request after the hearing.

The mayors stated that they had not violated the federal law by passing guidelines that restrict cities, but do not prevent -to offer the federal immigration agents full support. Again and again the mayors stated that they would have complied with the law enforcement authorities of the federal and state governments.

The group defended their guidelines under control, which include migrants and migrants for feeding, as methods that make their cities more secure and inviting. Wu pointed out as an example on Boston's record-deep crime rate rate.

The mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson (right) and the mayor of Denver, Mike Johnston (left). The Republicans stated that the mayors made their cities more uncertain by saying guidelines, protecting the undocumented immigrants with violent criminal directors

The mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson (right) and the mayor of Denver, Mike Johnston (left). The Republicans stated that the mayors made their cities more uncertain by saying guidelines, protecting the undocumented immigrants with violent criminal directors ((Getty pictures)))

But the Republicans still set up the wrong story that Trump advertised during his campaign – that most undocumented immigrants are dangerous and have to be deported.

The representative of George and long-time Trump supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene indirectly accused her of the “betrayal” by reminding the mayors that “help and comfort the enemies of the United States” are considered betrayal.

At a further heated moment, the Republican representative of South Carolina, Nancy Mace, the mayors, accused “blood on their hands” for their guidelines, and asked whether she loved and loved immigrants more than the residents of the cities.

After Mace was dissatisfied with some of Johnson's answers, he informed the Mayor of Chicago that his answer was the reason why he had a low approval rate.

Michelle Wu, the mayor of Boston, brought her a month old baby with him when she said the home supervisory committee. She described how the city's crime rate has achieved a record low

Michelle Wu, the mayor of Boston, brought her a month old baby with him when she said the home supervisory committee. She described how the city's crime rate has achieved a record low ((Getty pictures)))

The mayors pushed back the claim that they had ignored the health and security of their respective residents by inviting their cities into immigrants. Some reminded the Republicans that the reason why they had to accommodate themselves for the influx of migrants was that the Republican governors at the border to their cities.

In a moment of visible frustration, WU told Arizona Republican Paul Gosar that the congress had the responsibility to say goodbye to meaningful laws.

“The wrong story is that immigrants are generally criminals or that immigrants generally cause all possible dangerous and harmful,” said WU. “This is what undermines security in our communities. If you make us sure, there are weapons reform, stop medicaid, stop cancer research, not give money for veterans, which makes our cities safe. “

Adams, who recently sat down at the Trump administration and fell a criminal charge against him, was remarkable, the least setback of the Republicans.

However, some Democrats took up the gap and interviewed Adam to his relationship with the Trump government and whether he works in a Quid Pro-Quo with civil servants of the Ministry of Justice or not to fall against his help in the implementation of Trump's immigration plan.

Similar to other hearings from the house's supervisory committee, the Wednesdays were filled with heated moments and biting individuals that will probably circulate social media. But the group did not seem to make a consensus about how the cities should best align to support Trump's mass deportation plan and at the same time protect their residents – especially because they could not agree on facts.

One of these individuals was delivered by the Republican Chairman James Comer when he wrongly claimed: “I don't think someone demands for mass deportation.”

His comments came less than 24 hours after Trump had addressed the congress and sent the congress a detailed financing request in which we will remove these threats, protect our home country and protect the greatest deportation operation in American history, which is even greater than the current record holder, President Dwight D. Eisenhower – a man, but someone who called very much. “Bords.” “”. “”. ” “