
The medical group divides Consumer Health Alerarm

Washington, DC – Doctor and Dietician of the Medical Committee for Responsible Medicine share her concerns about the health risks associated with a trend in some people to consume beef alg. This is a high saturated fat that increases cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease.

“BEEFTALG is currently being funded in some quarters. However, scientific studies show that beef -valley -valley -talg provides concerns about heart health. Befett is about 50% saturated fat, which increases cholesterol levels, ”says Anna Herby, DHSC, RD, CDCES, a specialist in nutritional education at the medical committee, which has more than 17,000 medical members. “While the beef industry has suggested that the stearic acid in beef should limit their cholesterol education effect, the tests show that beef-talg effects on cholesterol-rich effects have similar meat.”

Studies show that eating food with high saturated fat such as beef alg and other animal products increases the “bad” cholesterol level to the risk of heart disease.

According to a study published in the published study, cholesterol levels in red and white equally American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers tested the effects of low-fat diets that their protein made of red meat (beef and pork), white meat (chicken and turkey) or non-meat sources (legumes, nuts, grain and soy products) with 51 participants tested each of the three diets separated for four weeks. They made the same with highly saturated fat diets and drew their protein in 62 participants from the same red, white and non -fleshy sources.

It turned out that both white and red meat did the LDL cholesterol level (“bad”) compared to proteins on a plant-based basis. The researchers pointed out that their results supported to prefer meatless protein sources and that white meat was no better than red meat if it risks to heart disease.

It has been shown that replacing saturated fat is advantageous by plant sources of fat against heart diseases. A review in the magazine Traffic In 13 studies, a total of 310,602 participants were viewed and found that the replacement of 5% of calories from saturated fatty acids by animal sources by linoleic acid – decisively in vegetable oil, nuts and seeds – was associated with a 9% lower risk of heart disease and a 13% lower risk of death by heart disease.

A study in published in Jama constraint medicine At the beginning of this month it turned out that the replacement of butter, another animal product with high fat with a plant-based basis, in particular olive, soybean and rapeseed oils, can help prevent heart disease and cancer before early death. The authors of the study say: “These results support current nutritional recommendations to replace animal fats such as butter with non-hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are with high fats with high unsaturated fats, especially olive, soy and rapeseed oil.”

The Ministry of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Ministry of Agriculture are currently developing the 2025-2030 nutritional guidelines that are expected this year. In December, the scientific report of the advisory committee of the nutrition guidelines recommended the maintenance of the advice of the current nutrition guidelines to limit the total fat absorption to less than 10 percent of calories per day.

The scientific report says: “There is indications that when reducing butter, processed and unprocessed red meat and dairy products, substitution or replacement by a wide range of food sources on a plant -based, including plant -based protein food (e.g. reduction.”