
The music video shoot is shut down on the I-40 Bridge | News

Memphis, tenn. -Mobile phone video, which was preserved by FOX13 News from an anonymous source, shows the moment a Memphis woman who leaves the Southland Casino, from a group of people who said she was stopped on the I -40 bridge that turned a music video.

“I started using obscene”, the woman who shot the film material. “I thought: 'What the (Expletive) … is really going on?'”

The driver said that the incident took place on Monday around 7 p.m. The Memphis (MPD) police said FOX13 that it did not happen on the part of the bridge within the jurisdiction covered by MPD. The driver estimated that the group closed the bridge for 10-15 minutes.

“When I saw that it was a music video, I had no choice but to stop and, you know, there were 18 bikes behind us,” said Driver.

The Senator of Tennessee, Brent Taylor (R-Memphis), said that he urged legal provisions that would lead to a crime for everyone who would be convicted of intentional disability on a street, an interstate or a bridge.

“There is trade that goes on this bridge,” said Taylor. “There is relaxation that leads over this bridge. There are people who go to health care in hospitals, and we cannot afford to decide some hoodlums who want to block the bridge to make a statement or make a stupid video.

Taylor said the law would also apply to demonstrators.

“Well, breaking the law is never a good way to attract people's attention,” he said. “And I have heard all the arguments that, as you know, if you have an initial packaging right to protest and freedom of expression, but if you read it, it means that peacefully gathering and a bridge blocks and the law violates, not peaceful. It is not a peaceful assembly. And you know that you should never violate the law, the right to exercise a right. And we'll find out whether your news will be in the moment, which she becomes a serious consequence.

Taylor said the measure had to go before the Senate finance committee.

“It will be led into the financing of the Senate because it has a school note because it improves the state expenditure increases by a few hundred thousand dollars on a recurring basis,” he said. “So we have to get it out of the financing. But I feel very good that we can bring this through the finance committee. It will go to the Senate and then go to the House of Representatives and we passed a similar invoice last year.”

Fox13 turned to the West Memphis Police Department, whether arrests were made at the bridge, and asked what it was to contain similar incidents.

Fox13 did not hear from the department.