
The negotiation date for the man who is accused of having killed Memphi's fireman

Memphis, tenn. (WMC) – The man who is accused of having killed Memphi's fireman David Pleasant while the drunk will be brought to trial on November 3.

The crash occurred on August 10, 2022 at EH Crump and Danny Thomas.

Maurice Yarbrough is charged with vehicle murder.

Pleasant was a 30-year-old veteran of MfD. Yarbrough was drunk when, according to the authorities, he drove the fire engine.

David Pleasant(MfD)

According to court files, his blood alcohol level was three times as high as the legal limit.

District Prosecutor Steve Mulroy says because Yarborough has no history, he has 8-12 years in prison for vehicle murder murder, which is involved.

Yarbrough is also charged with ruthlessness, vehicles and two cases of ruthless severe attacks for vehicle murder.

Maurice Yarborough
Maurice Yarborough(SCSO)

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