
The parents are killed by the suspects, the police say, say the police, the police say

Pascagoula, Miss. (Wlox/Gray News) – A suspect in Mississippi was arrested after the police said he had put his parents to death with an ash with an ash with.

The police in Pascagoula said that the 39-year-old Darold Sim Payne was arrested with law enforcement authorities after a four-hour patient situation after having barricaded himself in his house.

Jackson County's forensic doctor identified the victims as the father and mother of the suspect, 86-year-old Harold Payne and 72-year-old Jittuan Payne.

The forensic doctor confirmed that the couple had both died of dull strength trauma.

On Wednesday afternoon, the officials reacted in response to a report on a fight in the front yard.

When the officials arrived at the scene, they saw a man who was later identified as Darold Payne and ran into the house and barricaded themselves.

Officers from several agencies contain the scene.

After trying to negotiate with Payne, the officials used tear gas into the house, which finally prompted him to surrender. He was then taken into custody.

Officials later confirmed two people who were identified as Payne's parents.

Terry Scott, chief of police at Pascagoula, said the parents and the son lived together in the house. He does not believe that someone else has lived there.

Chef Scott praised the work of his team together with the other law enforcement authorities.

“We did everything to protect his life and bring him into custody without hurt officers or others,” said Scott.

The case with a double murder is treated by the Department of Criminal Investigation Department of the Police Authority of Pascagoula.

The victims' autopsies take place on Friday.