
The police from Ansonia

Tashira Sparks, 19, from ANNERIIA, and Carl Octavio Brown (29) from Bridgeport both are given the third degree, robbery, robbery, robbery, Larceny second degree, second degree, second degree conspiracy for the conspiracy of Larceny and second degree Breach of Peach of Frieden, Anshern, Anshern, Anshern, Ans otherwise. Sparks was also charged with a second degree and an illegal reluctance of the first degree, the police said.

The police said they had received arrest warrants on Wednesday due to robbery that took place in front of the position, a restaurant and a lounge in East Main Street.

A complainant told the police that he was involved in a car accident when the driver of the other car wrote him before taking his wallet and phone. The complainant was unharmed, the police said on Monday.

First, the police asked the parishioners to share the video that circled on social media.

“During the beginning of this case and the examination, the disadvantage of social media showed that people are more interested in grasping and publishing the incident and not reporting it. After the video was published, there were numerous people who answered and provided information to identify the parties involved, ”said the police on Thursday.

Chef Wayne Williams said he was “outraged” by the robbery that happened while spectators were recorded instead of helping.

“This is not only disappointing – it's shameful. Let me be absolutely clear: this is not a precise representation of the residents of the city of Ansonia. “He said. “Let me also make a challenge for our society – be better. When you see something, do something. Your phone should be a tool to demand help, not to take advantage of a person's pain for likes, clicks and shares. “

The police said Sparks and Brown were recorded instead of 250,000 US dollars and both appeared on Thursday at the Derby Superior Court.