
The police offer an update about the Walnut Hills Officer that the shootout has operated

Cincinnati (Wxix) – The police leaders of Cincinnati will publish more details on Monday after an official shot an armed suspect on Sunday evening.

It happened around 9:30 p.m. in the 3000 block of Gilbert Avenue in Walnut Hills, said police chief Teresa Theetge during a press conference on Sunday.

According to the boss, the officials responded to a report of a man who held a knife and a gun.

“Something happened” when the officials arrived and shot an officer, she said, determined the preliminary investigation.

The man was shot into the hip and does not have life -threatening injuries, said Chief Theetge.

He was brought to the Medical Center of the University of Cincinnati and treated overnight.

The Cincinnati Police Department of Mordide Unit, the Department of Internal Investigations by the police, the Citizen Citizen Authority (CCA) and the public prosecutor of the Hamilton, and the public prosecutor's office in Hamilton, are examined by the police.

Ken Kober, President of the FOP President, also reports Fox19 that the officer who shot is that the armed suspect is in order.

“Officer is physically well,” he said early Monday. ++ B +++ “(the suspect) was armed with a knife,” officer Koburn told Fox19 early Monday.

“He is expected to survive. In the early afternoon there will be a press conference, so I am told. I will go much more in after the press conference if the city does not cover everything. “

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