
The porcupine spring: How Republicans are like a porcupine

Storing pigs are misunderstood. We constantly hear the myths and exaggerations:

  • A porcupine attacked my dog.
  • Don't make yourself too close – you will shoot you on you.
  • Storing pig are aggressive and will whip with their prickly cocks.

None of this is true. I know first -hand. Storing pigs come out almost every night near our house. They rise from their trees (yes, they live there) and waddle to our veranda. When people visit, we always ask Would you like to stroke the porcupine?

Our guests look at us shocked. Stoves a porcupine? Under no circumstances! You will shoot your feathers on me!

We smile, invite you outside and show you the right way to stroke a porcup pig – carefully in one direction from front to back. Only then will our guests relax and inevitably says someone, says They are actually somehow cute.

It is always fun to see fear through curiosity and then be surprised. Because the truth is that porcupines are not aggressive, mean or equipped to get them. They are actually gentle, funny and, whether they believe it or not, will sit in their lap when they allow them.

In a way, stored pigs are very similar to their republican neighbors or colleagues. Misunderstood. Even fear. But as soon as you have overcome the myths and your own hesitation, you may not find that you don't believe that you believe.

You have heard the wrong representations:

  • Republicans hate immigrants – especially everyone from the south of the border.
  • Republicans discriminate on someone who does not know, male or hetero.
  • Republicans want to rape the environment.

Again, none of it is true.

Republicans do not hate immigrants. Most of us support legal immigration because we believe that America is a country of opportunities – but also a nation of laws. Like me, many Republicans have immigrants in their own families. Some of us are even the first generation Americans. We recognize and celebrate the contributions of immigrants. What we oppose is not immigration itself – it is chaos on the border and illegally penetrates our country into our country.

Republicans discriminate on anyone who does not know, male or hetero. The party chose and appointed some of the most diverse leaders of the country – Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Grenell and many more.

What we believe is merit and individual performance that people do not sort in identity groups. The four laws of civil rights, the law on Americans with disabilities and the law that Martin Luther King Day recognized in the law, were signed by Republican President.

The Republicans don't want to “rape the environment”. Many of us live, work and educate our outdoor families. We hunt, fish, hike and mink. We believe in nature conservation – just ask the many Republicans who tried to protect the natural resources.

What we resist are persistent state regulations that often cause more problems than solve them. Many conservatives even believe that it is an indictment of God to take care of our planet.

This column is my attempt to push back against these misunderstandings. I don't grab or shoot anyone like a porcup pig that spreads these untruths. But if you get in the swing, I will pull myself up and be known to my spring keels.

And if I do my job well, this spring could sting a little. It could even stay with them for a while. But maybe – only – if the shock subsides, you will take a closer look. And who knows? You could find that Republicans, such as cockets, are not what they thought.

Ari Ioannides is a relaxing tech entrepreneur, founder of Bootup PD and works in the local government and non -profit board. It offers a conservative perspective on local politics. It can be achieved [email protected]