
The prepared or preserved meat market of the United States: consumer trend to achieve the market volume that reaches 20 million tons, and value $ 83.1 billion news and statistics by 2035

March 6, 2025

Indexbox has just published a new report: US or preserved meat – market analysis, forecast, size, trends and findings.

Driven by the increasing demand, the prepared or preserved meat market in the United States is expected to record significant growth with a projected CAGR of +2.0% from 2024 to 2035. This growth is expected that this growth will expand the market performance and lead to a higher consumer trend in the industry.

Market forecast

Driven by increasing demand for prepared or preserved meat in the United States, the market will probably continue an upward consumption trend in the next decade. The market performance is forecast for the period from 2024 to 2035 with an expected CAGR of +2.0%, which is expanded with an expected CAGR of +2.0%. This will probably be brought to 20 m tons to 20 m tons by the end of 2035.

With regard to the value, the market is predicted with an expected CAGR from +2.0% for the period from 2024 to 2035, which is expected to give $ 83.1 billion (for total nominal prices) by the end of 2035.


The consumption of prepared or preserved meat of the United States in the United States

In 2024, the amount of prepared or preserved meat in the USA fell modestly at 16 m tons, which roughly reflected the number of the previous year. As part of the review, however, the consumption saw a relatively flat trend pattern. The growth pace was the most pronounced in 2016 when the consumption volume rose by 7.2% compared to the previous year. The prepared or preserved meat consumption reached a climax of 17 m tons in 2017; From 2018 to 2024, however, consumption remained in a lower number.

The size of the prepared or preserved meat market in the United States was $ 66.6 billion in 2024, which corresponds approximately in the previous year. This number reflects the total income of manufacturers and importers (without logistics costs, retail marketing costs and retail margins that are included in the final consumer price). The market value rose from 2013 to 2024 by average annual rate of +2.2%; The trend pattern remained consistent, whereby only slight fluctuations were observed during the entire period analyzed. The prepared or preserved meat consumption reached a highlight of $ 67.2 billion in 2022; From 2023 to 2024, however, consumption remained in a lower number.


The production of prepared or preserved meat of the United States by the United States

In 2024, the prepared or preserved meat production in the United States slightly commissioned 16 million tons and remained stable against the year earlier. Overall, however, the production saw a relatively flat trend pattern. The best -known growth rate was recorded in 2016 when the production volume rose by 7%. As part of the tested period, the production high at 17 m tons reached in 2017. From 2018 to 2024, however, production remained in a lower number.

In 2024, the prepared or preserved meat production was 68.5 billion USD. The total output value rose over the period from 2013 to 2024 by average annual rate of +2.4%; The trend pattern showed that some remarkable fluctuations were recorded during the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most in 2019 with an increase of 13% compared to the previous year. Prepared or preserved meat production reached a high point of $ 69.2 billion in 2022; From 2023 to 2024, however, production was in a slightly lower number.


The imports of prepared or preserved meat of the United States in the United States

In 2024 around 185,000 tons prepared or preserved meat were imported to the United States; Pick up by 2.7% in the previous year. Overall, total imports showed a resistant increase from 2013 to 2024: the volume has increased by average annual rate of +6.6%in the past eleven years. However, the trend pattern showed that some noticeable fluctuations were recorded during the analyzed period. Based on 2024 numbers, imports decreased by -0.5% compared to 2022. The growth pace seemed to be the fastest in 2015 when imports rose by 33% compared to the previous year. In 2022 imports reached a climax at 186,000 tons; From 2023 to 2024, however, imports were in a slightly lower illustration.

In the value, imports for the prepared or preserved meat quickly rose to USD 1.5 billion in 2024. Imports recorded an outstanding expansion during the checking period. The best -known growth rate was recorded in 2021 when imports rose by 29%. The imports reached its peak in 2024 and are expected to keep growth in the coming years.

Imports by country

In 2024, Canada (90,000 tons) formed the largest prepared or preserved meat supplier in the United States, which made a share of 48% in total imports. In addition, prepared or preserved meat imports from Canada exceeded the two -largest supplier of Brazil (38,000 tons), two -time, two. Mexico (13,000 tons) took third place with regard to total imports with a share of 6.8%.

From 2013 to 2024, the average annual growth rate in terms of volume from Canada was +8.2%. The remaining delivery countries recorded the following average annual import growth quotas: Brazil (+4.2% per year) and Mexico (+8.4% per year).

Among the most important terms, the largest prepared or preserved meat suppliers in the USA Canada ($ 701 million), Brazil ($ 384 million) and Mexico ($ 77 million) were with a total participation of 80% of total imports. Uruguay, Poland, Denmark and Chile stayed together and included with another 12%.

With a CAGR of +17.2%, Chile recorded the highest growth rates with regard to the value of imports with regard to the main providers in the reviewing period, while purchases for the other managers had more modest growth strips.

Import prices to land

The average prepared or preserved meat import price was $ 7,839 per ton in 2024 and increased by 3.3%compared to the previous year. In the period from 2013 to 2024, it rose with an average annual rate of +1.4%. The growth pace seemed to be the fastest in 2021 when the average import price increased by 14%. The import price reached its climax in 2024 and is expected to maintain growth in the immediate vicinity.

The prices noticed noticeably according to the country of origin: In the middle of the top importers, the country was Brazil (USD 10,099 per ton), while the price for Chile (USD 3,706 per ton) was to the lowest.

From 2013 to 2024, Canada achieved the most remarkable growth rate in relation to prices (+4.3%), while the prices for the other important suppliers recorded more modest growth steps.


The exports of the United States of prepared or preserved meat by the United States

In 2024 approx. 326k tons prepared or preserved meat were exported from the United States; Growth by 26% compared to 2023. Overall, however, exports continue to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern. Exports reached a highlight of 393,000 tons in 2017. From 2018 to 2024, however, exports remained in a lower number.

In the value ships, exports for prepared or preserved meat rose to USD 1.4 billion in 2024. However, the trend pattern remained relatively stable, although only slight fluctuations during the entire period analyzed. The growth pace was the most pronounced in 2021 with an increase of 26%. Exports reached its peak in 2024 and are expected to keep growth in the coming years.

Exports to land

Canada (98,000 tons) was the main goal for prepared or preserved meat exports from the United States, which made a 30% share in total exports. In addition, the prepared or preserved meat exports to Canada exceeded the volume that was sent to the second major goal, China (48,000 tons). Japan (41,000 tons) took third place in terms of total exports with a share of 13%.

From 2013 to 2024, the average annual growth rate of the volume to Canada was -3.0%. Exports to the other main destinations recorded the following average annual export rates: China (+13.0% per year) and Japan (+20.7% per year).

With regard to the duration of the value, Canada ($ 580 million) remains the most important foreign market for prepared or preserved meat exports from the USA, which makes up for 41% of total exports. The second position in the ranking was taken over by China ($ 184 million) with a share of 13% to the total exports. Mexico followed with a share of 13%.

From 2013 to 2024, the average annual growth rate of the value for Canada was -1.1%. Exports to the other main destinations recorded the following average annual export rates: China (+26.1% per year) and Mexico (+2.9% per year).

Export prices to land

The average prepared or preserved meat export price was $ 4,348 per ton in 2024 and decreased by -8.3%compared to the previous year. In general, the export prize showed a remarkable growth from 2013 to 2024: The price rose by average annual rate of +2.7%in the last eleven -year period. However, the trend pattern showed that some noticeable fluctuations were recorded during the analyzed period. The best known growth rate was recorded in 2019 an increase of 25%. As part of the checking period, the average export prices reached the maximum value of $ 4,741 per ton in 2023 and then shrank the following year.

There were significant differences in the average prices for the large foreign markets. In 2024, the country was Chile ($ 6,872 per ton), while the average price for exports to Colombia ($ 1,769 per ton) was the lowest.

From 2013 to 2024, the most remarkable growth rate in relation to the prices for supply to Chile (+14.3%) was recorded, while the prices for the other most important goals recorded more modest growth pacts.

Source: Indexbox Market Intelligence Platform