
The proposed register is a Trump instrument for the criminalization of migration, say supporters | Border report

The US immigration and customs authorities knock on the door of an apartment during a Multiagency target on January 26th in Chicago.

El Paso, Texas (border report) – President Trump swore during his campaign to deport all criminal immigrants to make American communities safer.

The members of Tren de Aragua and MS-13 were arrested at the border, and some have caught that crimes are persecuted inside the country.

However, immigration lawyers say that most people who are illegally present in the country are not criminals. Your status can change if the Trump administration runs through a proposed rule in order not to be documented, criminal charges and cannot be dealt with by the federal government.

“The administration gives itself another instrument to use many immigrants, especially against the threat of law enforcement,” said Nayna Gupa, director of politics at the American Immigration Council. “This will force those who have come in without inspection and had no contact with the government for years, a very difficult choice. They either register as needed and are exposed to the distance or are not registered in order to avoid the deportation of masses, but are then subjected to criminal persecution. “

Kristi Noem, secretary of the homeland protection authority, announced this week that the administration will enforce a provision in the Immigration and Nationality Act, in which immigrants are convinced without papers to leave the country voluntarily or register with the government. The failure to register could lead to a fine and prison period, she said.

The publication of an administrative rule is still pending.

On Friday, immigrants said the lawyers said that Trump tab paving the way to say that he is deporting criminals.

“It is not a crime to be in the United States without permission. The only people who commit a crime here because of their presence are people who have deported and come back, ”said David Leopold, former President and General Council of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This registration is nothing more than a joke and an excuse to start criminal liability for people who are hardworking.”

Leopold, a practicing immigration lawyer, said that he was afraid not only in the community without papers, but also among those who have a legal immigration status, since they could violate the provisions of wearing their documents. Even if the immigration authority (ICE) fears the criminals, they were able to encounter other undocumented and documented employees. He calls this security damage.

“What is a collateral? It is a grandmother who sits on her veranda when ice gets arrested. It is someone who worked in a meat packaging system or in the fields all day, home and ice cream is next door, ”he said.

The supporters asked the immigrants lawfully or not on their constitutional rights.

“For the first time I give” your rights “presumed to large board members of huge health systems and also to the non-profit community.” Said Leopold. “If we put together everything, it is similar that is not an open American cultural democracy. It gets closer to a police state. “

The supporters also expressed skepticism that immigrants with the dilemma of the new registration rule will choose to make self -burden. Most have been in the USA for 15 years and are part of households with mixed status with children or partners born in the USA.