
The report reveals natural gas leak from unsecured measuring device to an explosion of the Greece house

Greece, NY (WHAM) – Four months after a devastating explosion in the Stone Road, in which a family of three was taken to the hospital, new details about the explosion that shook the Greece district.

13Wham received a copy of the fire protection report of the Monroe County Fire Bureau. The report states that the house exploded due to natural gas fillings of the house, which was then lit by a device. The source of the leak was a natural gas knife that was not secured an front plate.

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Mark Wilcox said he would never forget the day on which the house is next to his on Stone RD. exploded in Greece. The explosion in November had a triple family and a community furnished in the hospital.

“It is one thing to see rubble and building materials, but it is another thing to see the couch, and things that you used every day and her life was simply changed so much,” said Wilcox about the family. “The violence that happened … really shocking and really sad, at least they came out with their lives.”

13Wham received a copy of the fire protection report of the Monroe County Fire Bureau. The investigators found that the house exploded throughout the house due to a natural gas structure, which was caused by a leak. The gas lit from the open flames either from the oven burner or the pilot for the hot water.

“I am sure that everyone has suspected that it is gas and will probably come out like that,” added Wilcox.

The report states that the front panel on the natural gas knife has been separated from the measuring body. This happened because eight support screws were not available to secure the front cover plate.

Interviews were led with the three victims. According to the report, the daughter of the house owner asked her father to take a measuring device two days before the explosion and she said he took photos of the measuring device.

After the explosion, the investigators found a drill on the basement floor and during an interview with the homeowner, he said he was using him to install new cupboards.

The circumstances around the removal of the screws are unknown, and the investigators said that this event seems negligent and not malicious or intended. Due to the unknown circumstances that deal with the removal of the support screws, the cause of the explosion and the fire is ruled as indefinite.

Wilcox said the neighborhood would always remember the day of November 11th.

“A new house is being built and we will never be the old and what happens,” said Wilcox.