
The representative of Florida, Kat Cammack, deals with frustrations with disaster restoration

Cedar Key, Fla. (WCJB) – North Central Florida Congressmen, Congressman Kat Cammack, visited the Cedar Key on Tuesday with the incumbent administrator of the Fema.

Cammack said that the purpose of her visit was to talk to city leaders, residents and small entrepreneurs about the recovery of the hurricanes of the past year.

Cammack says she understands the frustration that the residents tried to deal with bureaucracy after disasters.

“You have described it as the circle of death in which you submit an application, tell the same story again, the application is lost and you have to start with an area like it.

Cammack says that, Fema and state officials, they intend to “optimize” their workforce to rationalize the help for the residents.

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