
The resident speaks out after a viral video; Cara Rogan was stripped off Vice Chair Title

“I had never happened anything like that I did wrong?” says Amiellya Broxton, the inhabitant who recorded the video.

A viral Tikok video with the CoolbauGH Township Supervisor Cara Rogan and a resident collected over 4 million views, causing controversy and security concerns in the community.

The video captures that Rogan runs a pickup, cursed and Amiellya screams Broxton, which was waiting to get medication on a résumé.

“This person came so close to my window that I could smell their breath,” said Broxton and described the encounter. Broxton remembered.

During the incident, Broxton tried to prepare after she felt unsafe when Rogan approached and touched her car.

“I am here and look for something to protect myself, only in the event that we get into an argument because we were very close.” Said Broxton.

The video shows Rogan Parking the truck to prevent Broxton from going, and explained: “You don't go anywhere until I am served.”

Broxton says she feels harassed.

“I was barricaded and said that I would not go anywhere.” Broxton explained.

Rogan, an open transgender woman, was upset after Broxton had spoken to her several times as “Sir”. Broxton played every negative underlying meaning.

“If they wanted to be treated as Ma'am, they should have acted more lady as possible.” Broxton called out.

The viral video shared public opinion, with some Broxton and others supporting them – which denies it.

“I have just coordinated a person's disrespect, everything is. Said Broxton.

FOX56 tried to contact Rogan for comments, but not receive an answer.

Rogan's chairman was particularly empty during a board meeting on Tuesday evening, where the members voted for the restructuring, removed their title of the deputy chairman and completed them from participating in the committees or councils.

“I apologize to the residents. This is not a great description of our community, our beliefs and what we want to do,” said Bill Weimer, CEO.

The Township building is currently a cost due to threats in the blocking with additional protection of Pocono Mountain Regional Police, a costs used by the municipality.

“This is a time when our community has to come together, and we have to support CoolbauGh Township Supervisors,” says Teri Vanbritsom Martin, resident of Monroe County.

The services in the entire community were discontinued for the week because the police carried out their investigation.

Although the title of the deputy chairman was taken away, Cara Rogan is still a manager.

The municipality has no way of removing Rogan from office. It has to be done by the state government.

I turned to Senator Rosemary Brown, who sent an explanation that reads.

I am deeply worried about the actions and the behavior of Cara Rogan. No individual should behave in this way, let alone a chosen civil servant who is entrusted with integrity and respect. The public service is a privilege that requires accountability and ethical behavior and a little less undermines the trust of the people we serve.

Brown continues

There are several mechanisms within the state constitution of Pennsylvania that can deal with this outrageous behavior. However, I urgently ask Cara Rogan to take responsibility for her actions and to step down immediately. The people in CoolbauGH Township earn leadership that maintain the highest integrity standards.