
The respondents call for Valley Street Shooting | News, sports, jobs

Sentinel photo from Sam Baumgardner
At around 8 p.m. on Tuesday at around 8 p.m., first aiders and police were called to cross the Valley Street and the Walnut Street for a shootout on the 300 block of the Valley Street.

Lewistown – fire police from the Lewistown and Granville Township district block the intersection of the streets of the valley and walnut streets, while officials from the Lewistown Borough police and the surrounding police stations examine a shootout for the 300 block of the Valley Street. The EMS and Lewistown Borough police were called to the area at around 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening at around 8 p.m. The Valley Street between the Pine streets and the Walnut was closed during the incident.

The police from Familm Ems and Lewistown Borough were supported by City Hook and Head, the Granville Township police and the Mifflin County regional police.

The Valley Street was reopened at 8:45 p.m. A medical helicopter was called to meet the ambulance from the scene for the victim, but no further information was available before the press time.