
The result of the 2024 election gave us a total chaos in America [letter] | Letters to the publisher

Did you know that you would vote for chaos?

To perform food, medicine and help to the poorest of the arms in the world?

To switch off programs for the resettlement of refugees for people who had been approved in refugee camps after years or decades to come to this country?

Unemployed for tens of thousands of people, including some of the supervision of the nuclear weapons of this country? (The government later tried to rent it back.)

In order not to notify the legally prescribed congress, would the general inspectors be dismissed, the task of which is to exhaust fraud, corruption and waste?

For the price of almost everything that to rise, including the products produced in this country?

For a dozen eggs that cost more than 8 US dollars when they were about 4 US dollars in some places a month ago?

If so, you got what you voted for.

And maybe they welcome the fact that the United States condemned themselves with Russia and North Korea against a United Nations Resolution against Russia for his invasion of Ukraine.

Mary Anne King
