
The schedule of the volunteers of the Jacksonville Memorial Hospital from March 3

Volunteers of the Jacksonville Memorial Hospital

Jackyenjoyphotography/Getty Images

Gift shops: Marilyn Kimmons and Linda Swisher

Door rings: dinner: Central Christian

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Outpatient surgery transporter: Bev Hurst

He door: Don Rhads, Susanna Sherrill

Gift shop: Shelly Wessler, Kay Vanatta, Karen Meado

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Guide: Herta Dech, Rama Brennan

Messenger: Mary Holt, Nancy Wynn

Patients financial services: Teresa Nash

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Rehabilitation services: Nannette Klemmensen, John Clancy


Outpatient surgery transporter: Pat Glyshaw

He door: Susanna Sherrill

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Gift shop: Cindy Johnson, Sandy Keesee, Cheryl Leischner, Barb Hansmeier and Deb Richards

Rehabilitation services: Rebecca Davidson

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Outpatient surgery transporter: Bev Hurst, Ann Marie Stahel

Founder medical building: Maria Rehberg

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Gift shop: Lynette Hamilton, Marilyn Kimmons, Mary McCloskey

Messenger: Phillip Sallee, Nancy Wynn

Oncology: Lynn Stremming

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Patients financial services: Teresa Nash


Weight loss and well -being: Carolyn Ackley, Pat Rawlings

Gift shop: Terri Campbell, Vicky Scott, Adah Michell, Joni Scobie

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Pain clinic: Linda Massey

Sew: Mary Anthony, Gloria Biggs, Bonnie Brown, Beverly Donnan, Ann McKean, Marilyn Murphy, Lila Maler, Sheri Westerfield

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Outpatient surgery transporter: Bev Hurst, Ann Marie Stahel

Messenger: Mary Holt, Ruth Craig

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Pain clinic: Linda Massey

Patients financial services: Theresa Nash

Rehabilitation services: Nannette terminals