
The second teenager was declared dead after it was shot near the shopping center in Columbia

A 15-year-old who was shot near the shopping center in Columbia during a double shootout has died, the police from Howard County said on Saturday.

The teenager, who was identified by law enforcement officers as Blake McCray, was brought to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center on February 22, in which 16-year-old Michael Robertson, a second football player at the Wilde Lake High School, was killed. The police said the shootout seemed to have been targeted.

Emmetetson Zeah from Columbia (18) was charged with the first degree murder, attempted first degree murder, assault and associated crimes in connection with the incident. The press release of McCray's death said that the indictment would be changed.

According to the indictment, the suspect wore a ankle monitor that placed him at the scene, and the police recovered a weapon in his house.

In response to the latest shootings, the police from Howard County announced more security measures in and around the shopping center in Columbia, including the more marked patrol car and the use of drones.