
The skirt reveals the premiere date for the Roboforce series

The Roboforce franchise is growing in a large way when it jumps onto the small screen with a new animation series, and now we have the date for the expected premiere. The gondola company (biker mice from Mars) has announced that Roboforce: The animation series only premieres on Tubi on April 12, which the skirt unveiled together with the poster for the project, and you can check this below. The seven dollar productions of the rock have teamed up with Nacelle to bring the Roboforce animation series to life.

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The skirt wrote on Facebook: “For my freaks of the 80s, you remember Roboforce toys!? Seven Bucks Productions ➕ Gondel's toy has a funny sci-fi-joint, Roboforce: The Animated Series Debüts on Tubi on April 12th. Siebenbucks #nacelletoys #Roboforce ”.

Roboforce plays Detroit in 2089, where the Roboforce was out of date by more advanced UA101 bots. As a result, the old bots were pushed out of the heroic business and into simple jobs, but that everyone changes when a mysterious code virus affects the 101, and it will be on Roboforce to stop them.

The series shows team leader Maxx 89, the heated Hun-Dred, the Powerhouse Wrecker, the Sarcastic Sentinel, the rebellious blazer, the detonator of the Killing machine, but what is even better, is that the fans can also imagine the 2 of the roboforce toy lines, which will be pre-ordered on April 11th.

The Wave 2 setup is expanded from 2 releases to 4 from the first wave, in which Maxx 89 and Wrecker The Demolisher existed. Each figure is about 7.5 inches in size and contains extensive details, 16 articulation points and a variety of accessories such as alternative blaster, cannons and weapons. Wave 2 includes detonator, Hun-Dred, Sentinel and CRMGN, and you can view the beautiful figures up close in the above pictures.

The detonator offers back rockets, rotating triangular laser cannons and dual -lower -less las cannons, but above all the paint on the detonator is simply breathtaking. The detonator looks incredible, but Hun-Dred is not easy either, which looks a quad breast rockets, a shoulder laser laser, tentacle laser cannon, a hand-scorer hand hand, a war shammer hand and Flextro-Loc feet (suction cup).

Sentinel also looks good and has a retractable head laser cannon, a plasma energy shield, a plasma energy value and flextro-log feet. Last but not least is Crmgn, the strange, angry, angry eyebrows, has an expansion of the hand claw hand and a rotating body to the basis. If you have not picked up Wave 1, you can still receive the Maxx 89 2nd edition in the Gnakellenladen. You can find the official description for Roboforce below.

“In 2089, Roboforce was outdated by the more advanced UA101 bots and forced into simple jobs without being hope for heroes. This is until a mysterious code virus infected 101 and nobody but roboforce can stop them. “

“Roboforce is part of the gondola, the jointly used universe of the gondola company from the worlds of retro animation and the toy franchise companies that are reborn and united to create new stories. The gondolas also include biker mice from Mars, Sectures, the Wild West Cow-Boys from Moo Mesa, The Great Garloo, Power Lords and Big Loo. “

Are you looking forward to more roboforce? Let us know in the comments and you can talk to me about all things on bluesky @knightofofoa, toys and collector's pieces!