
The Southside High School is hiring new football coaches

Greenville, SC (Fox Carolina) – On Friday, the Southside High School announced the new head coach of the Tiger.

Coach William “AJ” Millis, a native of Piedmont, brings more than a decade to experience as a coordinator for the team.

Millis was a 4-year-old football starter for Wren High before playing at Charleston Southern University. He then trained football, route and strength at the Blacksburg High School for seven years.

Most recently, Millis worked as a defensive coordinator at the BEREA High School.

“With great pride and excitement, I step into the role of the Cheffussball coach on the Southside High School,” said Millis. “I have devoted my career to the development of athletes and the increase in the standard at every stopover on the way. From the moment I found out about this occasion, I knew that this program had incredible potential, and it is an honor for me to lead these student athletes to a new era of success. “