
The specified residents return home after propane lacon forced the evacuation in Chester, NS,

The people near Bonny Lea Farm in the Chester district were allowed to return home at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, about two hours after an emergency parameted to which they were asked to leave the area due to a propane leak.

An emergency warning was sent on Sunday at 10:33 p.m. by the Regional Emergency Management Organization by Lunenburg County. It is said that there is a propane leak near 10 Berties from Highway 14.

The warning demanded all residents of 800 meters around the area to evacuate.

Emergency officials went from door to door and asked people to go, said Erin Lowe, Chief Administrative Officer in the community.

According to Lowe, about 10 people appeared in a comfort center that was opened in the Chester Basin Fire Hall.

Local fire brigades, RCMP and Irving Propan, everyone replied to the scene, said Lowe and added that she had no additional information about the exact source of the leak.