
The students sent home after a natural gas leak on the Pontiac Township High School

Pontiac (25News Now) – The All -Clear was received for the lessons on Wednesday in the Pontiac Township High School one day after a tree team on a natural gas line.

The leak was reportedly shortly before 10 a.m. on Tuesday in the region of the 1100 Indiana Avenue and the 900 Elm Street near the pool of the high school and the Pontiac Recreational Center, according to a fire brigade.

The gas line delivered the Natatorium and the Rec Center, but not the high school. Nevertheless, administrators said they had broken off lessons for the rest of the day as a precaution.

School officials said it was certain that everyone will return to school on Wednesday. The gas line was switched off so that the crews can safely repair them.

It is also certain that the pool and the Rec Center will open again, but the heat of the pool is still affected, said school officers.

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