
The study shows 4 options for how the trend reduces the stress of employees

The spring holidays are in full swing. You are probably planning a short vacation now or are already thinking about summer vacation. Unfortunately, some Americans will do without vacation due to the consumer and the narrow economy. But there is good news on the horizon. A new trend called Mixed travelA flexible advantage of long -distance work, since companies continue to include mandates for returning to Office (RTO). Some innovative companies encourage a turn that employees mix with business because the mixed vacation trend is an advantage, a reduction in working stress and a production motifer.

Blended Travel wins steam among companies

In today's world, the pressure to stay in connection can make it difficult to really pull the plug. Enter “Quiet Ferations” and “Hush Cations” two strategies that workers have used to find your urgently needed break from work without being known to your employers. With both strategies, workers take their employers paid by their employers (PTO).

But now more companies start to support Mixed trips-As even known as a lead, the ability to combine work and leisure while traveling. It differs from quiet holidays or quiet cations. Employers promote mixed trips where holidays and companies overlap, and it is completely above the board.

Squaremouth interviewed 2,500 customers and found that 43% information that they had made a mix in the past and 24% stated that they plan a mixed vacation within the next twelve months. Squaremouth believes that the American workforce leave the vacation days on the table and believes that blendededed vacations is a creative solution to the balance of working life.

I spoke to Ginger Taggart, VP Brand Management Premium Brands, IHG Hotels & Resorts. She told me that Blended Travel developed through just a trip into a seamless integration of work and life. And it explains the difference between others “under the radar” quiet vacation and mixed trips.

“In contrast to quiet vacation, which is often about maintaining the illusion of work at work, Mischreisen completely includes the power of hybrid work,” she explains.

Crowne Plaza has commissioned a global YouGov survey among 12,000 respondents in nine countries that reveal the advantages of mixed trips:

  • 34% of US workers say that mixed trips reduce stress and promote healthier routines.
  • 34% of US workers now prioritize the ability to combine work and leisure time through four-day working weeks and trendy office parts.
  • 66% of travelers in the United States and Great Britain now have business and leisure from 53% in 2022.
  • 56% say that the ability to travel during work is an essential advantage of long -distance work.
  • US workers take flexibility into working hours (55%) as important as a high salary when choosing an employer.

4 paths of mixed tours reduce stress

Taggart says it is no secret that wellness is a must that has not to do, not a beautiful haven. “While modern workforce develops, people are increasingly trying to integrate mind and body well -being into all aspects of their lives, including their professional life,” she emphasizes. Taggart quotes the YouGov survey and shows that 34% of the respondents report that Blended Travel helps them to determine healthier routines and reduce stress. It runs four options, as Mischlieber reduces workers to reduce stress.

1. Promotes the social connection. Taggart suggests that Blended Travel creates opportunities to build relationships, to do meaningful interactions and to strengthen professional and personal networks that all contribute to a greater feeling of well -being. “Crowne Plaza Properties offer environments in which guests can combine and relax and offer weekly social events in relaxed, informal environments,” she says.

She mentions that these social events of local beer tastings in Florida, local Chiba -Sake tastings in Narita or Fireside S'Mores in the Hawkesbury Valley, Australia, are rich. “To add this, we see that travelers use the personal connection higher. Many cite the time with family and friends in their work as a reason to combine business and leisure trips, ”she explains.

2. Promotes time for healthier routines. “Today's travelers are actively looking for wellness experiences when they travel, be it through environmentally friendly accommodations, outdoor activities or wellness routes,” explains Taggart, adding that their company has developed a number of daily rituals to promote mental and physical health during the guests. They range from offering energetic smoothies full of ingredients to start their morning during breakfast, right down to the orientation of weekly runs to help the guests release stress and relax.

3. Supports the work-life balance. Taggard recognizes how important it is to support the balance for working life in order to reduce stress and maintain mental health. “Holidays and time outside of work are generally recognized for their positive effects on well -being,” she says. “Our survey by Crowne Plaza shows that almost half of the US and British travelers remain active on business trips to support their health while concentrating 42% on getting enough sleep.”

The company reacted to the results by giving guests free access to online training units and promoting well-being through movement and recovery. It also describes an upcoming plan to offer traveling employees access to experienced master classes and to cover topics such as finding happiness and improvement, as they think they want to travel with personal growth.

4. Use the power of nature. “Travel is a powerful tool for mental rejuvenation, especially if it combines us with nature,” emphasizes Taggart. “For a long time in interiors, both our mental and physical health can have a negative impact, which is why many travelers are increasingly looking for well-being-especially those who focus outdoors outdoors, nature-oriented retreats to escape daily stress.”

To support Blended Travel, she emphasizes the need for accommodation Biophilic design-A concept that traveling workers connects nature with various design features so that the guests feel refreshed and feel connected to their surroundings. For example, some of their properties are on 38 hectares for a peaceful, distributor -free environment, while others are supposed to create an oasis in a busy airport environment, including a tropical outdoor pool.

One last word on a mixed trip

“Blended Travel drives creativity by providing new perspectives, triggering inspiration and promoting sensible connections,” explains Taggart. “On Crowne Plaza, we help to support this more dynamic, more fulfilling travel by means of recording our hotel designs and using new and inventive gaster experiences, of which we hope that they can thrive our guests personally and professionally.”