
The suspect, who was arrested in the Miami-Dade-Bar in double fatal shootout, appears in Bond Court

Miami-Dade County, Fla. -A a man who was arrested for accusations, he fatally appeared on Tuesday morning in the Bond Court, two men in a bar in the southwest of Miami-Dade.

Paul Edward Koch, 62, from Miami, who faces two second -degree murder cases, was instructed without binding.

According to the authorities, the shootout occurred on Sunday at 8:45 p.m. in the Glades Club Bar in the area of ​​Southwest 184th Avenue and the 256th Street near the Redland area of ​​the district.

The MPs said that in the bar between Koch and 28-year-old Eduardo “Eddie” Perez, a bartender in the Glades Club, a physical argument was held before Koch was brought out of the establishment.

“When we played, a fight apparently broke out and the owner of the place triggered the boys who fought,” said band member Carlos Quijano.

According to his arrest report, Koch returned to the bar with a pistol he called from his vehicle and was confronted by Perez, who asked him again.

The MPs said Koch shot Perez several times and killed him.

Then he went into the area of ​​the terrace/outdoors, where the police said he had fatally shot a patron.

The patron was identified by relatives as Marc Hess, of whom they said he was an enthusiastic drummer and enjoyed the live music in the bar.

“He is just an all-round-large guy and it would be something he would do to break a fight, but I'm sure he didn't know how serious things would end,” said Nicole Terrel from Hess, Nicole Terrel.

The authorities said a third person ran out of the bar when he accidentally shot his own weapon.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue officers confirmed that they transported this person to a hospital as a trauma alarm.

According to the arrest report, both victims who were killed in the first shootings were not armed and did not provoke chef.

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