
The USAudit implementation reached Record High in 2024

The strong increase in punishments came when the volume of enforcement activities, which had reached its highest level since 2017, was higher.

Overall, the agency carried out 51 enforcement measures in the course of the year, including 40 cases, which concerned problems with the testing of the service, the report said.

The number of cases against US companies rose in the course of the year, but the volume of the enforcement in which foreign respondents were involved, flat-Canadian companies were the top US goal of the PCAOB.

In the report, it found that non-US companies make up about 80% of the total fines, USD 28.6 million, it said.

The vast majority (80%) of the examination measures affected in 2024 violations of violations of examination standards, while 40% also contained alleged violations of ethics and independence standards.

“The PCAob continued aggressive enforcement in 2024 and completed 30 examination campaigns in the first half of 2024. The number of actions completed in the first half of 2023,” said Jean-Philippe Poissant, co-author of the report and CO guide practice of Cornerstone Research in one publication.

Despite the increase in enforcement activities last year in mid-2024, both a decision by the Supreme Court of the US Colonel Court ruled what that certain measures to the enforcement authority to regulate the regulation of a jury and not by an administrative tribunal and change in the US government, which is expected to be more business-friendly.

The report stated that the volume of PCAOB enforcement activities in the first Trump administration (2017 to 2021) was much lower than among bidges (2021-2025) and that it was only $ 10 million of US dollars in the amount of $ 68 million during the bid administration.

In addition, the regulatory authority brought various types of enforcement measures in Trump's first term, the report.

“The type of respondents in assertiveness shifted by a majority of individuals during the Trump administration to an almost even separation between individual and company-south during the bidges administration,” said Russell Molter, co-author of the report and headmaster at Cornerstone Research.