
The Vision Pro Metallica concert is the best Apple video to date

There is a moment in MetallicaThe new three-song concert video, which was published yesterday for the Vision Pro, where the singer of Metallica, James Hetfield, kneels on the edge of the stage and deal with a single fist pump audience. Hetfield prevents himself from his face within centimeters when he and the fan scream before the singer stands and continues. The spotlight follows Hetfield, but the camera remains painted while the concert visitor reacts to what has just happened. He falls back against the crowd and then introduces himself, comes across the stage and buries his face in his elbow and cries.

In many ways, Metallica Like any other concert video that often cuts between shots of the band members, while trot on the stage, others of the fans, both in close -ups and in transfer, which point out directly from above. (There are so many smartphones!) In the approximately 25-minute video from a Mexico City show are three metallica songs “Whiplash”, “One” and “Enter Sandman” with the documentary film and the voiceover of Hetfield, the drummer Lars Ulrich, the bassist Robert Trujillo and the Guitorist Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk Kirk, Kirk, contains.

The 180-degree video format from Apple, combined with high production values ​​and the sharp displays of the Vision Pro, gives a lot of additional taste. This moment with Hetfield and the fan is already a very good concert video direction, but this presentation gives a visceral, emotional weight, which in my opinion would be difficult to grasp in 2D. The feeling that I was almost there when the camera was followed on stage behind a cigar smoker-smoker-smoking-smoking-hetfield, made me think: “Oh wow, he is large. “I got shaking frost when“ one ”started (I am a person of a certain age; I can't help it), but I could practically feel my aging feet and my lower back when Hammett stretched the song with a long solo and the crowd that had nothing to sing now to have lost part of his energy. Of course, the audience was still crazy about “Inting Sandman”.

The Apple Immersive Collection from Vision Pro has become better in the past few months with the publication of videos how better The Weeknd: Open Hearts and the fictional short film with scripts Submerged. Both are great, but although I enjoyed the rest of the catalog, it often feels like its content does not use the immersive format. MetallicaOn the other hand, it is not just a good immersive video. It is a good concert video and it sets a bar that should strive for Apple to continue to meet.