
The world's middle of the World Measuring Weight, which was announced for MLW Battle Riot VII

Místico will defend the MLW World Middleweight title against Temario next month at Battle Riot VII. MLW announced the game on Tuesday for the event, which will take place on April 5.

Místico against Templario MLW World Middleweight Title Match for Battle Riot VII in Los Angeles signed on April 5th
The Major League Wrestling (MLW) announced the MLW World Middleweight Championship today: Místico (Champion) against Templario at MLW Battle Riot VII on Saturday, April 5th in the Commerce Casino & Hotel in Los Angeles, CA and Live on YouTube.

Los Angeles will be the epicenter of Lucha Libre's history when MLW introduces Battle Riot VII on April 5, with a colossal collision for the MLW World Middleweight Championship: Místico (Champion) against Templario.

The game was set in motion in Superfight 6 in Atlanta on February 8th when Templario shocked the world by capturing Místico in the Tag team competition -an unthinkable moment, since nobody had held Místico since his historical MLW debut last year. It was an explanation all over the world that sent tremors by MLW.

Temario wasted no time and demanded a single aid for the championship, and Místico, the fighting champion, accepted the challenge. Now Los Angeles will require a Lucha Libre dream game because the most famous Luchador in the world defends its crown against one of the most feared Rudos of CMLL.

Templario, known as “El Guerrero León” (The Warrior Lion), occurs with incredible dynamics and a call as one of the most complete fighters in sport. Temario returned to the medieval era in which the knighthood ruled the countries and begins its own crusade – a search for the Depthron Místico and taking the MLW World Middleweight Championship.

The combined brute strength with breathtaking sportiness combines the Temario seamlessly with the air commands with the punishment, which makes him one of the most dangerous and unpredictable challengers that Místico has ever faced. With his star in CMLL, the arrival of Temario in MLW signals a new chapter in his famous career – and the violent test for the champion.

In the meantime, Místico is Groß as the reigning world champion of the MLW, who recently celebrated with the title for over a year after winning it on February 29, 2024. As a real world champion, Místico, he defended the gold around the globe, including a successful title defense in New Japan Pro Wrestling Fantastica Mania Tour, where he defeated a reason. Místico also presented the championship in the Arena Mexico, the legendary Cathedral of Lucha Libre, which further consolidated her prestige.

Místico's Legende, as the largest treasurer of the Mexican cashier of the 21st century, crosses the borders. Místico is sold out weekly and fascinating thousands of fans and is not only a pillar of the Major League wrestling, but also a cultural icon. However, the arrival of TemPlario is a threat that, unlike others – in contrast to no other – a violent Rudo on the mission to overthrow the king and rewrite the story.

The biggest challenge of Místico's MLW government time is now in Los Angeles. Will Temario complete his crusade and capture the gold? Or will Místico defy the chances again and continue his reign as an undisputed champion?

Find out when MLW Battle Riot VII – April 5th, live from Los Angeles.