
This week in punk vinyl (bridges the gap, less than Jake, continue flying, Miller Lowlifes & more!)

Greetings and welcome to the dying scene -Record -Radar. If you are here for the first time, thank you for joining us! This is the weekly* column in which we cover all things punk rock vinyl. New publications, new editions … You call it, we probably have it. Start your shoes, pull up a chair, open a cold and break out these wallets because it is time. Let's go into it!

Take a look at the video edition of the Record Radar this week, which is presented by Punk Rock Radar:

We start the record dradar this week with a must for melodic punk fans: Bridge the Gaps New Platte Profit camp! Recorded in the sprinkle area, produced by Bill Stevenson and mixed and mastered by Jason Livermore, the band's second album appears on April 11th and can pre -order on a number of beautiful color variants (And CD!). Get it from Double Helix (USA), SBAM Records (Europe) and Pee Records (Australia).

Philly Punk's five hundred dollars have announced their new album Pestdue on April 25 and available for four (very limited) vinyl color variants. Take a look at the leading single “Southern accidents” under ๐Ÿ‘‡ and go to your band camp Order the recording now!

Now outside on the Almighty Islands Records: Quebec melodic punk band Killing Daisses' Brandneuer Album Echos of tomorrow! Get it here on two vinyl color variants (and CD!).

Highly recommended for fans of the Lawrence Arms, Banner Pilot, Leatherface etc. It is a roommate of My Tampa Bay, the Miller Highlifes! Your new record Press Hitter is now in Add Records. You can get it on a shit load color variants. Catch this Friday, March 7th, with the Eradicator, the debt reliability and the bad bad things of the band Die Homeetown Record release show.

Hot after the 25th anniversary of 2xlp Deluxe Edition new edition – of which there were five color variants – less than Jake's Hello Rockview is back in printed pressure, this time omitted as a single LP with bonus tracks. This latest press is available for six (!!!) color variants and black vinyl!

Here is the full list of variants and links to which you can receive it:
100 – Clearly with yellow, purple and baby blue splinters (Smartpunk Record Club exclusive)
250 – whirlpool mix (smart punk exclusive – sold out)
200 – White (exclusive records)
Apple, Zitron & Sky Blue / 250 (Brooklyn Vegan, Revolver, Alt Press)
250 – Sea Blue Ghosts with Yellow & Blue Splatter (exclusive Devil Dog)
250 – Bone & Aqua Smash with red, yellow & lemonade splatter (farewell gift exclusive)
??? – black (smart punk and most record shops)

More ska! Fly continue, only the long -awaited album in full length announced in full length Time & flooddue on April 24 on Smartpunk Records! Here is the full list of the color variants and links to which you can get them:

100 – white & blue with green/aqua/blue splatter (Smartpunk Record Club exclusive)
150 – Baby blue and yellow (smart punk exclusive)
150 – Baby Blue and Aqua (smart punk exclusive)
150 – light blue and sea blue ghosts (indie shop exclusive)
150 – Black in Milchy clear with white splinters (internationally exclusive – devil dog (UK), people of punk rock (ca), thirty something (EU))
250 – copper mixture (band exclusive)
250 – Blue Glitter (band exclusive)

Even more ska! Main load of the comeback record (your first in 13 years!) It's a crazy bad, sad bike world is now on jump up records. You can get it here on red vinyl, yellow vinyl, constitutional disc and even cassette Riiiiiiiight!

Even more ska! Is this a record for the number of SKA records on a single record radar? Perhaps! Catbite has a new record called called Doom Garden on May 9th on poor time recordings. Take a look at the first single “In Denver” under ๐Ÿ‘‡ and order the data record here (Splatter & Copper Marble variants) and also here ๐Ÿ‘ˆ (yellow/orange/red divided and cloudy green variants).

The French hardcore punk band Jodie Fasters Neuer Rekord due next month Saint Lundi Deliver 19 songs in 22 minutes. Order it on blue vinyl from Time Records (USA), La Agonรญa de Vivir (Spain), TNS Records (Great Britain) and an assault of other labels across Europe!

Dead Broke Reknds has published a new pressing of Fifteen's Classic debut album Swain's first bike tourWith 150 copies in this new “Cloudy Day” Blue -White vertebrae color variant and additional 268 copies on black vinyl. Get your here!

Another viewpoint! Records Classic – screeching Wiesels My brain hurts – has also been in the news lately! Like many other boards from Wiesel, this was remastered by Justin Perkins at mystery Room Mastering. The fresh version of the streaming record on Spotify, YouTube music and wherever you consume digital music. This will also receive a physical version as a 2xLP set with the remix/remastered version on LP1 and a remaster of the original mix on LP2.

Recess recordings randomly took 353 copies on randomly mixed color vinyl in their shop about a week ago and those that were sold immediately. But don't be afraid! A little birdy tells me that a much larger black vinyl run of this 2xLP new edition will shortly be available from screeching weasel woven. Join the band's mailing list so as not to miss.

Sbam Records has spamed these “liquid -filled” records lately and now I think that with this piss output of Guttermouth you have officially jumped the shark gusto. Limited to 20 copies and supposedly filled with Mark Adkins' own liquids, this beauty can be part of them at a price of 99 euros. Exclusively available in SBAM Records' European business. Good luck to get this shit (or piss, I think) through customs!

The other expensive boutique plate SBAM is committed to your shop this week. This “Gold Dust” edition of Mad Caddies's latest album is Arrows room 117. This is limited to 50 copies with golden confetti and also has a Cord Mad Caddied bag. It is also 99 euros. Get yourself here.

One last message from SBAM Records (I promise that you don't pay me for it): A new press of the 2022 album of Gift Pinks 2022 Vita Mors. You can get it on three new splatter colors from Double Helix in the USA and SBAM in Europe.

Samiam jumps a little with the weapon on the 20th anniversary of her album from 2006 Whatever you let you down But that's Aight. You can do this new new edition on piss yellow (what is going on with all the piss this week?) With a blue splash -vinyl (100 copies) and/ or black vinyl (300 copies) from La Agonia de Vivir. Canada's Dustywax Records has its own exclusive variant for translucent blue with a yellow splash with translucent blue, also limited to 100 copies.

Well, that's all, people. Another record dradar in the books; The biggest maybe ever?! I will let her be the judge! Thank you for setting up as always. If we have missed something (most likely) or if you want to inform all about a new/upcoming vinyl publication that you are enthusiastic, leave us a comment below or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram, and we will examine it. Enjoy your weekend and don't blow too much money with spin -discs (or do, I'm not your father). See you next time!

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