
Tna Knockouts Tag Team Title Match at TNA victim to find the debut of the Personal Concierge

The personal concierge will be in front of an action at the TNA victim.

The good news for Ash from Elegance and Heather by Elegance is that you will get another opportunity at the TNA Knockoute Day Championships at TNA victim. The bad news is that your personal concierge (George Iceman) will officially be in your team if you are exposed to Dani Luna and Jody from Spitfire.

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Santino Marella made the match in the episode of TNA Impact March 13th! This is followed by several months of the feud and the concierge, which attacks Spitfire on March 6, when Ash and Heather served as assistants from Spitfire.

This will be George Icemans in-ring debut. He originally came to TNA as a host, but has been paired with ASH since her TNA debut in 2024.

Take a look at the current line -up for TNA victims by clicking here.

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