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Johnathon Johnson raises his hand to ask a question during the city meeting of Lincoln on Monday, March 3. Photo by Glenn Russell/Vtdigger

Vtdigger journalists are stationed across the state to cover this year's city assembly day. Find all of our meetings below on the day of the city meeting of 2025. This post will be updated until Wednesday, March 5.

At the meeting of the city of Bridport, the political debate remains polite – days after Manders appeared in droves to protest against JD Vances Sugarbush Ski Trip. ((March 4, 5.13 p.m.)))

Photos: Vermont Town Meeting Day 2025 – Vtdigger records pictures of the city assembly day 2025 across the state. ((March 4, 12:23 p.m.)))

Vermont Town Meetings show the growing challenge to lead a community to the increasing number of 247 municipalities of the state voices for the conversion of harder chosen laypersons to the easier to master specialist and in several cases that serve non-residents in local office. (March 4, 10:33 a.m.)

Vtdiggers 2025 guidelines to coordinate the city assembly of Vermont Town-Die 247 municipalities of the state will estimate three quarters with one billion dollars in annual local government and school expenditure, as well as capital projects, leaders, consulting articles and some unusual extras. ((March 3, 6:55 a.m.)