
Tony Vitello from Tennessee Baseball on an interference call against Florida

Tennessee Baseball bought a “happy break” against Florida against Florida on Friday.

The No. 7 Gators (16-3) tried to return in the sixth inning in the Lindsey Nelson stage from 4-1 to the sixth Inning No. 1 volumes (18: 0). They had already achieved two runs in one one, and the bases were unloaded with one.

Landon Stripling sent a helicopter in the middle and both Gavin Kilen and Dean Curley flew towards it. Kilen fought and marked the second basis for the strength. But Striping slipped into the base, and his feet went over it and cut off kilts when he tried to make a throw for a double game for the first time.

The referee called interference and gave Tennessee the double game. Florida asked for the call, but he was confirmed after the review.

“It was a tricky ball,” said Tennessee coach Tony Vitello. “Dean and Gavin both got together, and the boys said it was a little more of Gavins Ball, so Dean went to the base. But it was only one kind of these unpleasant helicopters.”

The double game brought Tennessee with a 4: 3 lead instead of the game with 4: 4 from the top of the sixth inn. At the bottom of the sixth, Kilen Tennessee gave more buffers to the left field with a victim flying and brought Curley home from the third basis to climb 5-3.

At the first victory of the SEC game, the call to interference proved to be crucial to remain the country's only unbeaten team. The 18-0 start is the best in the program history.

The double game occurred in the first bat after Pitcher Nate Snead entered the game with the loaded bases.

“Everything I saw was the slide, there is not much room for scope there,” said Vitello. “I have not seen a repetition or anything, but I only know that there is not much scope at all. So our bank felt like it was either up or – they were all about it. So, happy break for us and unhappy break for her. But snead did what he had to do.

Curley Led Tennessee with two runs that go 2-to-4 on the plate, including a triple in the sixth inning.

The Junior Pitcher Liam Doyle started for Tennessee and threw 105 parking spaces in 4⅔ Innerings. He had six strikes and two walks. Doyle gives three goals and a run. Snead completed the game in the last 3⅔ -ininnings with four strikeouts.