
Tornado Watch vs. Warning; Here is what to know.

On Wednesday, a large part of Hampton Roads was at some point under a Tornado watch. It is essential to know the importance of different warnings.

Norfolk, va. – During the storm days, it can all be thrown on her at once. A common mistake is to mix a watch for a warning.

On Wednesday afternoon and evening, a large part of the Hampton Roads region was at some point under a Tornado watch. Heavy thunderstorms with strong winds moved through the area and increased the risk of dangerous weather conditions.

Let's talk about the differences between a tornado watch and a tornado warning and other types of tornado warnings in the same family.

A tornado clock means that the conditions for the formation of tornados are cheap. A watch usually covers a large area and can take hours. If you are under one watch, this is your time to prepare for bad weather.

Your standby kits should contain water, not perishable food, medication, important documents, flashlights and batteries.

A tornado warning means that the Tornado threat is imminent. The rotation was either displayed by radar or discovered by someone on the ground in this area.

If you are under a tornado warning, look for protection immediately. Some great tornado safe are a basement, an interior without a window or a tornado bunker.

A warning box is much smaller than a watch box and, according to the National Weather service, usually takes about 30 minutes.

The same logic can be applied to serious thunderstorms compared to severe thunderstorm warnings.

The third type of Tornado alarm is rare. If a tornado emergency is issued, there is a serious threat to human life with catastrophic damage expected by a tornado.

With the forecast, make sure that you have several options to obtain warnings. Download the 13News Now Mobile app to send weather notifications directly to your phone.