
Trend, necessity or over -control | The ABC of weight loss | India Today Conclave 2025

MEdical Research increasingly recognizes obesity than more than just as a cosmetic topic. Many governments, including India, now classify it as a metabolic disease anomaly, which is characterized by excess fat. Obesity is associated with 229 health states, including diabetes, high blood pressure, arthrosis, infertility and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The fight against obesity is not just about willpower. According to Vicrant Shrotriya from Novo Nordisk India, who spoke about obesity treatments in India Today Conclave, genetic and metabolic factors predispose to individuals to consume more calories than necessary. While the availability of food may have increased, human bodies remain wired to store fat for survival.

With the advent of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, which markets Nordisk as medication for type 2 diabetes, many see them as a “magical pill” for obesity. But Shrotriya blows up this myth: “This is not a magical pill. This is not an excuse that I can celebrate and take an injection [later]. This is a medication for those who, despite nutrition and movement, cannot change their weight. “

However, effective weight loss requires a diverse approach that goes beyond the medication. Shrotriya describes it as “abrasive, behavior and decisions”. The advantages are significant. According to Shrotriya, a reduction of 5 percent also improves glycemia control and lowers blood pressure. At 10 percent, the risk of type 2 diabetes and fatty liver takes off and with a loss of 10 to 15 percent, some diabetes remissions can occur. A combination of medication, mindful food, regular exercise and medical management can thus significantly improve the quality of life.

Science and the secrets of anti-aging

A healthy fight against wrinkles

(Photo: Bandep Singh)

Before you get into physical activity, you have to understand how your body behaves and evaluate yourself. You have to start with a moderate regime of walking and running … and gradually change this pattern

– Dr. Sunil Dagar

COO, fitness enthusiast and marathon

You should not only have a good diet, but also your spirit full of good thoughts, because a good spirit can create a good body. Young life is not just about movement, but also about their emotional health

– Dr. Upasana Arora

MD & CEO, Yashoda Medicity

Sudden heart deaths are not so subtle and suddenly, they give an indication of it. You cannot get out of a treadmill and choose weights. Routine things can be done to stay fit, even if the pollution is negotiated completely

– Dr. Amit Sharma

Senior Consultant, Orthopaedics, Joint Searement & Arthroscopy

There will always be challenges and curve balls, but we have to actively make a decision that I will be happy today, no matter what happens, and take time for training. I think

– Gul Panag


Fasting is reduced to cells for excessive insulin. It is important because frequent snacking leads our cells to be insulin resistant, which means that more insulin is released. This leads to aging

– Dr. Gagan Saini

Senior ray uncologist

Published by:

Shyam Balasubramanian

Published on:

March 16, 2025