
Trends: 'Forgive MIR'-Nigerian bishop, who carried out tongues to Z with the goals, apologizes

Bishop Alfred 'Lahojah' Ogunnusi The Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church has withdrawn his attitude.

Premium Times found that the clergyman had triggered widespread controversy on social media after a viral video carried out the ritual with a younger bishop.

In the film material, Mr. Ogunnusi stands next to a church member who is disguised in a piece of clothing with the official emblem of the Cherubim & Seraphim church. He holds a microphone and continues with the ointment ceremony.

A younger bishop kneels in front of him when Mr. Ogunnusi pours water over his head three times before he gives him the bottle to drink.

After a sip, the bishop watches Mr. Ogunnusi extend his tongue and prompted him to do the same, which leads to a brief contact with tongues with his tongue.

The ritual inflamed intensive debate online, many pressed shock and disapproval. Despite the counter -reaction, Mr. Ogunnusi initially defended his actions and claimed that they were rooted in biblical practice.

He said, “I welcome everyone; It will be good with us. My name is Eminence Baba Aladura Alfred Oluwasegun Okikiola Ogunnusi, known as Lahojah. I thank God that everything that happened when I was still alive and not after I was gone. The work of God is not destroyed by me, and everything I do is biblical. I don't do anything that is not biblical. Since I practiced this, the Bible was my guide and I did everything through the blood of Jesus.

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“Please take a look at Genesis 48:10, which says: 'Now Israel's eyesight was bad due to age; He could hardly see. Joseph brought his sons to him, and his father kissed her, hugged her and advised them. 'Can you hear me now? That's it! This is not from my knowledge, but from God. “

Excuse me

In a viral video on Wednesday, however, he withdrew his statement and apologized to the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification and the Christian Community.

He gave his apology: Please don't be angry. Anyone who believes what I did was wrong, please forgive me. I'm looking for forgiveness. What happened in the viral video was what I did and I led the session. I welcome all pastors and Christians and ask you to forgive and not be angry. “

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In the meantime, this newspaper learned that the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church, which reacted to the controversial salt of Zungen-to-time, and explained Mr. Ogunnusi's defense on Tuesday on his Facebook page and distanced himself from him.

The church condemned the crime in a statement entitled “Vexatious Salining a Bishop by a self -referred church leader: our perspective”.

They described it as worrying and described Mr. Ogunnusi's actions before God and man.

“The Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria (the roof body for all sons and daughters of St. Moses Orimolade Tunolase) would not have made these characters worthy with a word of the reaction, but for the audible mention of the name of the founder of our church and the visible exhibition of symbols that are connected to our church in the video.

“Although the main character in the video has” clarified “in another video since then, people can be interested in the fact that all characters in the viral video are not known members of the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria, the general actions and behaviors of member skills in the Cherubim & Seraphim organization,” said the church. “


In addition, the church explained its results.

The church stated: “In the investigation, we found that the alleged anointing was carried out somewhere in the Ogun state of Ogun, and the anointed man was carried out as Benjamin, Aka Ajigbo (which was carried out in the state of Adamo in the state, in an Adamo state, in an Adamo state, in an Adamo state.

“The anointer compared to Israel, who was supposedly expanded in old age and could hardly see clearly before he kissed his sons and hugged them. (Certainly the biblical Israel could not have done as hideous action as it could be seen in the viral video when he “kissed” his children.

The church emphasized that its members and practices expressed starked idolaters and the disappointment that people often confuse someone who is dressed in white with a member of the Cherubim & Seraphim Church.

They also found that Mr. Ogunnusi's mention of Moses Orimolade indicates that he recognizes the spiritual influence of the founder of the Church and tries to take advantage of his name to attract unsuspecting supporters.

“There are other, albeit serious Christian denominations, the members of which are dressed in white clothing like ours. Our church has consistently emphasized that it is easy for everyone to get into a marketplace, to procure a white clothing material and to give it to a tailor to sow them and to say that they are members of the Cherubim & Seraphim Church organization.

“It should be clear to the Christian community worldwide and the general public that all recognized members of the Cherubim & Seraphim organization of the management of the Nigeria Church of Cherubim & Seraphim Unification by Nigeria are known and recognized. Conversely, it is clear that these characters are likely to be identified with a white-armed church that is dressed by our clothes. Nevertheless, they refused to go to the church of association because they could not “scream” from their idolatry practices.

The Church said that they would not prevent someone from calling their founder, but “his legacy would be better honored if those who do this also worship God in the beauty of his holiness.”

They asked the public to understand that only the name of the founder does not automatically ask someone to a church member.

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