
Trial date for the owner of the Tyler Auto Shop, which was accused of shot the death of teen

Tyler, Texas (KLTV) – A owner of the Tyler Auto Shop who is accused of shoting a teenager to death was put to trial.

Sefino Bautista-Renteria, 36, became after the death of Rawly Sanchez, 19, who worked in a truck in a truck on July 4, 2024 in a truck. On Friday, Tenieteria was seen for a hearing before the judge of judge Austin Reeve Jackson, and his court date was set for March 31.

The defense asked for a long time to prepare experts for the negotiation, but the request was rejected.

Tenietia is charged with a fatal weapon for murder, fatal behavior, manipulation with evidence and two cases of serious bodily harm.

In the original case, Sanchez was brought to an emergency room in Tyler by his friends, who drove when Sanchez was shot into the back of the head. After the teenagers, they had traveled wrongly at the Old Gladewater Highway and drove past Bautista's car at the boom. They said shots were fired from the business when they passed.

The manipulating indictment of Renteria is based on accusations that he and his wife Corina Bautista (36) hid evidence of the shooting on site and had lied to the officers about the incident. Bautista was also arrested and accused of manipulating evidence. Your exam is currently set for May 12th.
