
Two fatal ice incidents examined in Greene County | News

Greene County, Ind. (WTHI) – The nature conservation officers of Indiana examine two fatal incidents in which icy lakes are involved in Greene County this weekend.

On Saturday morning, Greene County Dispatch contacted nature conservation officers for a person in a private lake near the 8900 block of the Sassafras Road in Bloomfield.

Someone had discovered footprints that led to a hole in the ice. According to the investigators, a local fire brigade has also found a cell phone on the top of the ice cream with an unmanned aircraft.

Within a few hours after the call, divers have recovered a body. The investigators say that the deceased was Louis White, 83, from Bloomfield.

Later on Saturday evening, two men fell through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake. Shortly before 6 p.m., Greene County Dispatch received a call about the situation in Hillenbrand Fish and Wildlife Area.

A Jasonville officer came in quickly and saved a 20-year-old man with a rope pack.

The investigators said they had learned that a second 20-year-old man had gone under the water and had never reappeared. More than two hours later, the Indiana divers were his body with a remote-controlled underwater vehicle.

The investigators identified the deceased as Justin jumped.