
Two federal authorities who examine the Maine for transgender problems

The US Agriculture Ministry starts an investigation into the conformity of the University of Maine.

The agency announced its investigation at the weekend after President Donald Trump threatened to pull the federal financing of Maine because they made transgender athletes possible to participate in women's sports.

The examination is carried out after a heated conversation between governor Janet Mills and Trump at a meeting of the National Governor Association.

The President announced Mills that the state would lose federal financing if he did not comply with his executive regulation that continues the transgender participation in women's sports, to which Mills said: “See you in court.”

The US Agriculture Minister Brooke Rollins published a statement on Saturday, in which a “Compliance check from the University of Maine was announced after the state state of Maine for the blatant disregard of President Trump's executive order. Keep men from women from women. “”

“President Trump has made it clear: The hard -earned dollars of taxpayers will not support institutions who discriminate against women,” said Rollins. “USDA is committed to maintaining the President's executive regulation, which means that every institution that decides to make it no longer for future funds.”

The new publication of secretary Rollins said that the Maine University has over 100 million US dollars in USDA financing.

The USDA examination follows the announcement on Friday. The Federal Department of Education has initiated a separate investigation by the state education department and the Maine School Administrative District No. 51 (MSAD #51), the school district for Cumberland and North Yarmouth.

The office of the Ministry of Education for Civil Rights is carrying out the investigation after a transgender athlete of the Greely High School won a girl's athletics last Monday.

“Maine would make her believe that it has no other choice, as women and girls treated in athletics – that is, that it has to follow its state laws and have to enable male athletes to participate against women and girls”. “Let me be clear: If Maine continues to receive federal funds from the educational department, it must follow titles IX. If it wants to do without federal money and continue to trample the rights of its young athletes, this is also his choice. OCR will do everything in his power to ensure that taxpayers do not finance any obvious violations of civil rights. “

Governor Mills published an explanation after the announcement of the Ministry of Education.

“No President – Republican or Democrat – can hold back the federal financing approved and acquired by the congress and paid for the taxpayers from Maine to force someone to comply with his will. It is a violation of our constitution and our laws, which I took off an oath to keep, ”said Mills.

But do not let yourself be misleaded: this is not only about who can compete in the sporting area, but whether a president can adhere to his will, regardless of the rule of law that our nation rules. I don't think he can. “