
Update: No criminal charges against Missouri are submitted for your test of the 988 system

A state legislator from Eastern Missouris Wentouris Wentzville will not have any criminal charges because of its obvious test of the 988 system.

State Rep. Tricia Byrnes (R-Wentzville) speaks at the Missouri House Floor in Jefferson City (April 15, 2024 Aktenfoto with the kind permission of Tim Bommel at House Communications)

Cole County's prosecutor, Locke Thompson, has announced that no indictment against the state MP Tricia Byrnes (R-Wentzville) is submitted. According to Thompson, the law enforcement officers answered the Statehouse on February 20, which was later discovered as a false suicide threat.

Prosecutor Thompson says that the representative Byrnes acted under the reasonable conviction that she was involved in a legitimate test of the 988 system. Prosecutor Thompson estimates the cooperation between representatives Byrnes in the investigation and their conviction of the abuse of emergency hotlines.

According to Thompson, the examination is considered closed.