
Utah firefighters help Kansas in the middle of catastrophic fire

Spanish fork – Friday more firefighters in Utah answer for the help of another state. About three dozen firefighters in Utah are on the way to support the crews in Kansas, which are exposed to severe fire.

The youngest task force of Utah firefighters, who left the Spanish fork on Friday morning. They plan to give local firefighters in Kansas some additional muscles to treat what the governor already calls a state of emergency.

The Utah Task Force consists of 24 firefighters in Utah from seven local fire brigade agencies, including Bluffdale, Orem, Provo, Nork fork, Weber County, Uintah County and Moab, all of which are working for the Utah department for forestry, fire and state. They had their debriefing on Friday morning at 11 a.m. and set off on the street to meet crews in Hutchinson, Kansas.

According to KSLS Kansa's sister station KSN, the risk of forest fires is considered extreme or even catastrophic. The problem is that it is unusually warm and dry, and it is expected that strong winds start. The new Task Force in Utah goes to the hot zones in which the fire risk is most serious.

“I was approached by the FMO state when they go and we can redirect them somewhere else.” We could end up there that we could end up in Wichita, we don't know where our view will be ”, Corey Auger, head of the Utah -Ask Force at Utah Div. of forestry, fire and state, said.

This is the third use of Utah crews that help other countries this week. On Wednesday, two different Utah teams remained to help crews in Texas with a similar risk of forest fire.

The Task Force, which left on Friday, will probably pick up another fire engine in Moab and drive east to Kansas. They plan to come on Saturday and will have disappeared at least two weeks.