
[VIDEO] Flat cranky fishing fish winter to Prespawn Bass

Joey Cifuentes collapses how to catch the winter and the preliminary spur with a cranky bait under cold, flat water conditions. When the water temperatures are low, many anglers overlook cranky bait and flat water, but Cifuentes explains why they remain the most effective bait for triggering reaction stabs.

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Why crank baits in winter bass fish work

Many anglers assume that most bass move deep in winter, where a Minnow dominates, but some of the greatest fish remain flat and feed on lobbing and bait fishing along rocky banks. In cold water, bass becomes lethargic, so that the use of a crank bait with a slower decline and a natural hunting effect is the key.

Cifuentes prefers to target wind -based bags and rocky coasts where bass actively feed. He pays attention to the angle of the bank and puts its approach based on whether the fish hold on steep waste, gradual slopes or flat apartments.

How to fish a cranky bait in cold water

Instead of a constant pick -up, Cifuentes varies its repetition speed and stuck when he felt that the cranky bait bumps against stones or structure. This sudden break often triggers bass to strike, especially when you are used forward to watch fish. He also experiments with different cranky skills and determines whether bass returns to the main points or further in protected bags.

Inspire the best setup for flat

Cifuentes loves to throw the Berkley Dime 6 Crankbait into a long pattern that imitates the primary feed in winter. It uses 10 pound fluorative fluoring hydrogen to ensure that the bait reaches its depth of target and at the same time maintains sensitivity. His setup contains a 7'1-inch rod with medium action, coupled with a fast roll ratio of 8.3: 1 to get the flexibility of the speed.

Find the right winter bass pattern

By eliminating unproductive water and concentration on areas in which bass actively feeds bass, Cifuentes develops a reliable pattern. It emphasizes the wind direction that presses bait fish into certain pockets, making them first -class feeding areas. After several bite in a certain place, he continues to work similar places across the lake to stay on active fish.


David Appleton

David Appleton

Upriver production has specialized in TV and media creation outdoors since 2009. We know more Buzz bait than keywords and we prefer to zoom in moose than at zoom meetings, but we can both! We are completely satisfied with our base in the Missouri ozarks, but we also worked in 43 countries and eight countries. We can make a video about the next great fishing catcher on a shoe or deliver a full season with a award -winning TV with a million dollar budget.