
Video: Orinda Consignment Shop Employee, Customer Pepper sprayed at the robbery

The employees of an Orinda consignment business are still in shock after five people with hammers have come into their business, broke Glass -Vitrine cases, stole jewelry and spray a worker and customer who stood in the way.

The Smash-and-Grab occurred on Saturday at 11:44 a.m. in the Hilton House Consign & Design on Orinda Way next to the police department.

The owner Cindy, who asked that her last name was not used, said that nobody has been arrested yet, but there are leads.

She described the five as a boy between 17 and 20 years old, and one of the suspects could have been a young woman.

She also provided a short clip of the monitoring video from the shop, in which some of the Smash-and-Great parts, but not the pepper spray, are displayed.

Orinda's police did not answer a comment.

During the robbery, nobody was seriously injured where the suspicious jewelry reached out of the broken showcases.

But one of the employees and some customers were sprayed pepper, said Cindy. At that time, two more also worked in the shop.

“This has never happened before in 25 years,” said Cindy.

She added that her business had received a lot of “great support” from the community, especially through a gofundme that began to pay for the insurance company.

How do the employees feel?

“Of course they are afraid,” said Cindy.

Monitoring on March 1, 2025 of the suspects, which broke into Hilton House Consign & Design in Orinda.

A jewelry case in Orinda was smashed on March 1, 2025. Photo: Hilton House broadcast and design

Orindacrime and public security news