
Visit us for Bengalen Giving Day 2025 and enable the courageous future of ISU from ISU

Bengal Giving Day is just around the corner! Mark your calendar for March 18 to 19, 2025, while we combine to have a strong impact on Idaho State University and its students.

This 32-hour fundraiser celebrates the spirit of giving and demonstrates the strength of our Bengal community.

Your participation is the key to the success of this important initiative. Donations to Bengal Giving Day directly support scholarships, academic programs, campus improvements, research and other critical needs that influence the lives of our students and increase the legacy of ISU to academic excellence.

So you can support Bengal Giving Day 2025:

  1. Spread the word: Encourage your networks to participate by sharing Bengal Tagessenricht on social media and personal conversations.
    1. Update your e -mail signature to a Bengal, the Day Branded PhD! You can find examples in the Ambassador Toolkit.
    2. Update your E -mail signature during the Bengal -Giving -Day!
  2. Generous: Donate a donation to an area of ​​the campus that inspires you. Every gift, regardless of the size, makes a difference. Take a look at the over 100 programs to support online.
  3. Get involved and celebrate with us: Join the activities throughout the day, including live updates, giveaways and student stories that highlight the effects of your support. Be sure to take part in the Celebration reception on March 19 at 4:30 p.m. in the Sub Quad Lounge.

Bengal Giving Day has collected 2.5 million US dollars in the past three years. Together we can reach new heights for ISU this year and continue to offer our students life -changing opportunities. Let us combine as a Bengal nation and make our most successful giving day in 2025!

Further information can be found at or on the Bengaln Day at