
Was a second shooter involved? What new documents from Trump reveal – first mail

Who killed JFK? More than six decades later, the murder of John F Kennedy is fascinated by the world. There is no lack of conspiracy theories. As promised by Donald Trump, his government has published thousands of records in connection with the murder that shook America.

Shortly after taking office, Trump signed an executive order in which the publication of classified files in connection with the attacks by JKF, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., while many files were published in connection with the murder of the president. The documents published on Tuesday were previously reduced.

Trump said on Monday that “people have been waiting for decades” to see the 80,000 pages of records in connection with Kennedy's attack. On Tuesday, more than 1,100 files with 31,000 pages were published on the US National Archives and Records Administration website.

It can take some time for researchers and course to scan all documents. But here is what some of the revelations are.

Lee Oswalds 'connection' to the Soviet Union

Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, a US Marine. He fired two shots on the US President when his car cool has adopted a textbook in Dallas, Texas. The assassin had stationed himself there with a rifle; Here he worked. A third shot was fired, but it missed JFK.

While the Warren Commission, which examines the murder, concludes that Oswald was alone, many believe that the murder is part of a greater conspiracy.

One of the secret government emos examines the theory that Oswald, who had visited the Soviet Union and was married to a Russian, acted on behalf of the Soviets. Aimed at the “Moscow Info Director”, it refers to an interview with the US professor Eb Smith from 1991, the Slava Nikonov, former deputy director of the KGB of the Soviet Union, and the grandson of the former Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov in Moscow.

According to the memo, Nikonov had checked five thick KGB files to determine whether Oswald was linked to the espionage agency. “Nikonov is now confident that Oswald was never a agent controlled by the KGB. From the description in the files, he doubted that someone could control Oswald, but noticed that the KGB was closely and constantly observed while he was in the USSR,” stated the documents.

However, one of the previous documents already published showed that Oswald communicated with a KGB officer in September, two months before the attack in the Soviet message in the Soviet message.

Nikonov also said that Oswald “had a stormy relationship with his Soviet wife, who rode him continuously”.

Oswald was a “lousy shot”

The document dated November 20, 1991 showed that Oslwad's marksmanship was bad.

The KGB files “also reflected that Oswald was a bad shot when he tried to fire in the USSR,” the document says.

Some conspiracy theorists used his information as proof of the conspiracy theory that the assassin did not act alone. Many believe that Oswald was innocent and often focuses on how difficult it is even for a good shooter to relieve three shots on a moving goal and to hit it.

The theory of the second shooter

It was long discussed that a second shooter was involved in the assassination attempt. However, the Warren Commission came to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone and released three shots in 8.6 seconds.

Ballistic reports and testimonies in the newly published documents relate to the third shot. According to the files, a shot could have been fired from the “Grassy Knoll”, which was an increased area in front of the JFK motor chain. This contradicts the conviction that only one shooter was involved.

In 1979 the US House Select Committee came to the conclusion that there was a “high probability” of a second shooter on the basis of acoustic evidence.

Documents in connection with the murder of President John F. Kennedy from 1963 will be issued on March 18, according to an arrangement by US President Donald Trump in Washington DC. Reuters in Washington DC.

An ignored warning of a possible assassination attempt

The now published files, which have now also signed the correspondence of Sergyj Czornonoh, who claims that in August 1963 he warned the American vice consul in the Bulgarian capital Sofia to murder Kennedy, as from a report in a report in a report in Washington Times.

Czornonoh received information about Oswald from Wasilev Consul, who worked in the Soviet embassy in Bulgaria. He said that Consul's girlfriend came to my room and repeated that Mr. Lee Harvey is Oswald [sic] Estential offenders. He will kill President Kennedy. “

Czornonoh said that on August 19, 1963, three months before the murder, he warned an official from the US State Department that Oswald should have a gun and that he should see him. The officer has not paid attention to the warning, claims the memo.

“Director told me that you can also have a gun – what if Oswald got a weapon,” wrote Czornonoh in 1978 in a letter to the US House Select Committee on attacking deals.

President John F. Kennedy greets a lot at a political rally in Fort Worth, Texas, a few hours before his murder on November 22, 1963. The killing, America and the world shakes, continues to drive the conspiracy theories. FileToto/Reuters

The files published by Trump mentions Gary Underhill, a former CIA agent who was found dead in the murder of the agency less than six months after his acceptance of the agency.

“A small clique within the CIA was responsible for the assassination attempt,” says a line from the documents, which attracts considerable attention.

In the documents, also mentions that Underhill left the refugee in a hurry after the attack on the attack and was looking for refuge with friends in New Jersey.

Underhill, who acted as a secret service day during the Second World War, was an expert in limited warfare and small weapons. He was a researcher and writer in military matters, and many top bridges in the Pentagon knew him in the first name. According to the files, he had good conditions with high-ranking CIA officials.

Another memo from November 1963 showed that an alarm spoke an alarm about Oswald's activities, including his visits to Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico city weeks before the shootout. Accordingly, high -ranking civil servants reported the warnings and asked questions if the agency was more negligent or demanding.

Many experts believe that the CIA or other secret files have kept in Mexico Coty in relation to Oswald's movements The Washington Post.

Documents in connection with the murder of John F Kennedy from 1963 are exhibited after her publication after an order by Donald Trump in Washington DC. Earlier publications showed that Oswald visited the murder of Mexico town. Reuters

The participation of the mafia?

The newly published files indicate the possible participation of the organized crime. After a report in ABC7Chicago was a training ground for the Cuban militia. It indicates the possibility of a coalition between Mobstern, Cubans who were against Fidel Castro and Rogue CIA elements. The motif could be Kennedy's handling of the invasion of the pork bay, a failed attack that was launched by the CIA to get Castro out of power.

An inscription that reads “Rip JFK” decorates a shield of the wooden disk fence on the top of the “grass ball” in Dealy Plaza on November 22, 2013. The strike player plays an important role in many conspiracy theories about the Kennedy attack, on which some theorists who are one of the Ossprüchen. Was in the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building. Reuters

Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald

Oswald was arrested soon after the assassination attempt. A few days later he was shot by Jack Ruby, an owner of a local night club, who claimed that he had acted with JFK's death. While Ruby died of cancer four years later and served a prison sentence for Oswalds, his role was speculated.

A memo of the FBI director J Edgar Hoover hours after Oswald was killed, appealed to the US government to assure the public that it was the former marine who murdered Kennedy.

The documents published by the Trump administration are likely to revive conspiracy theories. However, some files are still held back.

Tulsi Gabard, the director of the National Intelligence, said that the administration of the National Archives and the records “worked with the Ministry of Justice in order to accelerate the ability of these records”. She also said that the publication of the papers was an example of the Trump White House that “initiates a new era of maximum transparency”.

Will these document tranches regulate the many unanswered questions about the murder of JFK?

With entries from agencies