
Wasatch County pulled the agenda item to discuss mysterious accusations that are now being examined

Heber City – Transparency has become a major concern for the residents of Wasatch County after a mysterious point on the County Council agenda had been discussed with regard to public security at the last minute.

The district quoted concerns about a proper procedure with a newly opened investigation before those who were intended to accuse them of raising the chance.

The problem started in February from a council meeting. The retired Lt. Jeff Winterton from Wasatch County Sheriff and the former sheriff of Wasatch County, Todd Bonner, publicly asked to be put on the agenda at the meeting of the Council on Wednesday, and only said that she wanted to take concerns about public security.

The Wasatch County Manager, Dustin Grabau, told “The citizens did not raise any specific accusations, but implicit accusations” and said that he had no “concrete details about what they still want to share in a future point”.

“They were contacted to encourage them to share more details that they have not yet done,” he said.

The chairman of the district council, Karl McMillan, hired the plan for Wednesday the schedule on the schedule, but a letter from the deputy district prosecutor Jon Woodard was sent to the council and Grabau and later forwarded to the media, which is indicated that the element was drawn “if you have heard this element, you may enable an investment with an examination.”

Woodard wrote that the sheriff of Wasatch County, Jared Rigby, that the Cache County Sheriff's office had opened an investigation into these symptoms on Monday without including the Council or other district departments, although the complaints that have not yet been submitted were made.

During the meeting of the public comment of Wednesday, Winterton and Bonner did not provide any details about their concerns, but also did not positively looked at the decision of the Council to pull the point out of the agenda.

Bonner said: “I do not understand how a sheriff can call another sheriff in the state of Utah and ask her to investigate if he does not yet know what the allegations are. I suspect (the advice). I think there are many things that many have to find out to find out what's going on and to keep each of them responsible.”

Winterton said: “I am very concerned about the so -called ongoing examinations. I have no idea what that is.”

There had been some obvious speeches about the complaints at the Council, and the two men had no feeling that they were considered appropriately. “We brought many concerns about public security a few weeks ago. I don't think we were heard. I don't think she didn't care about it,” said Bonner, with Winterton repeating similar feelings.

Grabau told that officials still want to hear complaints from residents and asking them to be submitted in writing. “We are always open to the examination of claims on misconduct or criticisms that the public would like to share with us,” he said.

“We just want to ensure that a proper procedure will be followed. In view of the fact that this is an active examination, this type of agenda object presents challenges to these investigations,” said Grabau, “and that's why we are pulling it.

“I think, frankly, should assure the public that we treat these things appropriately because if we were to act with this agenda as proposed, we would rather face challenges.

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Further concerns about the Wasatch County Sheriff office have been raised in the past few months. In a letter shared with, Lt. Shane Fredrickson the Unterheriff Josh Probst and Sheriff Jared Rigby to refer to him because he had submitted a formal complaint were accused in the rehearsals of misconduct.

The letter sent to the County Council in February claimed that Rigby had a “personal Vendetta against Heber City Police Department. These lies seem to have been advanced in order to further develop an agenda of the limitation or preventing of Heberer's participation in high-risk commitments and/or critical incidents that unnecessarily increase the risk of the citizens of the district”, ” wrote Fredrickson's Lawyer Jones.

In the case of Estrella Meza-Ojeda, Jones wrote: “Unterheriff, who directly influenced the MP (Wasatch County Sheriff), because of his subjective and unfounded belief that the child was no longer in danger of no longer working in a missing child.

The police later discovered that Ojeda had born the premature, additional oxygen that he had to survive before he had put his body on the side of the I-80, as said from an affidavit from the police.

Probst was also accused of threatening Fredrickson's son Jake Fredrickson, “wrongly and unethical”, who was representative of the office and had moved to the shooting of Donald Ball in 2023.

Jake Fredrickson later resigned from the department, but took part in the meeting on Wednesday. “I don't want to say anything,” he said to the advice, “but basically the reasons for my resignation when writing to you.” He distributed letters to the council before he went.

It is not clear whether the concerns examined are criminal, civil or administrative nature. When asked about the investigation, the Lt. said Mikelshan Bartschi from Cache County Sheriff compared to “We will only say that we do not comment on the open examination at this time.”

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