
Washington jewelry pyramid scheme ends after the examination | News

Seattle, Washington, 7,000 inhabitants from Washington receive an average of $ 180 US dollars if they have sold jewelry to paparazzi in recent years.

According to a press release, the jewelry company will change almost 2 million US dollars and change business practices after the general prosecutor's office in Washington has carried out an investigation into the company's pyramid program. The investigation showed that some products contained lead and nickel when they were advertised as free of both.

Paparazzi signed a solution to avoid a lawsuit due to violations of the Consumer Protection Act and violations of the advertising label of anti -Pyramids. Anyone who has sold products can not return goods to the company to receive a complete refund if it is bought after January 2017.

The resolution requires that Paparazzi is more transparent to continue operating in Washington and, according to the publication, creates a refund to those that form products with lead and nickel. Paparazzi also has to update how it is advertised for sales programs.

“Our investigation showed that Washingtoner was clearly damaged by Paparazzi,” said Attorney General Nick Brown. “Advertising is too good that future returns for investments in the investments are one of the possibilities of trying to deceive Washingtoners. “