
Washington Nationals have a young outfield in the strict schedule this week

For the second time in a row in three days on Sunday, the Outfield of the Washington National James Wood fought on the defined Hitterplatz.

Wood did not beat in the Leadoff location as on Friday. He hit the clean -up location. He spent most of the game in the line -up when he went 1: 4 with a run. Through two games, it strikes with an ops .333.

The nationals defeated the 4: 3-4: 3-houston astros when Paul Dejong scored a Homerun, while Trevor Williams took over his first spring training.

The nationals are eliminated on Monday before playing their next spring training game on Tuesday. From there, the nationals have a card for Wood's progress according to the Washington Post.

On Tuesday, Wood will not play in the spring training game and retire in the complex of the team in West Palm Beach, Florida. The goal is that he carries out an outfield version of a pitching “up-and-Town”.

For Pitcher, use the process to simulate game brims during the injury rehab. The jug throws an inn, sits down and repeats itself.

Wood will do the same. He will play an inning in the outer field and then sitting an inning and seeing how his right quad tendinitis reacts. If everything goes well, he will do it three times.

When he hands over this benchmark, he will show three or four innings in the outdoor field in his next spring training game.

It is a slow increase when you consider that wood is about a week behind the rest of the nationals in spring training. But the goal is to have it ready to play on the field when Washington organizes the Philadelphia Phillies on March 27.

Wood said he had to deal with tendinitis since the low season, and that's why the nationals carefully accepted him in the early stages of the camp. He spent a week in baseball activities before he came into the line -up as a proven bat.

Wood was one of several players who received the national for Juan Soto in the 2022 trade closure, which also included Josh Bell, who signed at Washington this low season.

Wood, who is 22 years old, was at a time of the overall view of the NATs in number 1 before he was appointed his MLB debut on July 1st. He spent the rest of the season with Washington when he .264/.354/.427.781 with nine Homeruns and 41 RBI. It is expected that he is the left opening day field player.