
Washington universities examined for violation of Trump Dei Ban

Two Washington universities are accused of violating Trump's ban on Dei programs.

Seattle – The Ministry of Education published a list of universities on Friday because he allegedly violated Trump's ban on diversity, equity and inclusion (Dei), and two schools in Washington are there.

In a letter from the agency on February 14, the schools were informed that they were obliged to “end the use of racial preferences and stereotypes in educational programs and activities” with the threat that institutions that do not fulfill themselves – a promise that President Donald Trump is adopted from his campaign.

Opponents said the measures of the ED department. The punishment of schools with Dei programs increases the differences in terms of color students.

Regardless of this, the department is now investigating 45 institutions of the universities for violating President Donald Trump's ban. The announcement aimed at schools that work with the doctoral thesis. Project, an organization that helps dye students specifically acquire doctoral students.

The University of Washington-Seattle and the Washington State University were both examined as an investigation for “in their graduation programs”.

The Ministry of Education claims that the participation of the UW and the WSU in this program violates title VI of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits discrimination due to racial, color and national original programs and activities.

“Violations by the institutions against Title VI can lead to a loss of federal funds,” the explanation said.

In addition to the DEI examinations, four universities in Washington appeared at the beginning of this school week on a list of schools that are examined to examine “anti -Semitic discrimination and nuisance”.

Schools include UW-Seattle, Pacific Lutheran University, Eastern Washington University and Whitman College. Specific allegations are not described on the website for the examinations.

In a statement, Plu said that they were only aware of a complaint by a student who refers to social media posts with social media posts that another student had published on their personal accounts. “The care and well-being of our students, faculties and employees prioritize this complaint immediately with an internal review and complied with the OCR examination completely,” said the university. “We have been working with OCR on this matter for more than a year and are waiting for further instructions.”

The deputy vice president of the communication of UW, Victor Balta, also gave an explanation of the school square on the list and said:

“The University of Washington is firmly against anti -Semitism and approved the office for civil rights of the US Ministry of Education for five measures that will strengthen the commitment of the UW for timely and effective reactions to complaints that were submitted by students, faculty and employees. We understand that a letter was sent to the UW. On an even more inviting environment for all students.