
Watch video | “Express itself”: Black History Month Event Honor Essay, Poster winner | News

Johnstown, Pa. – Cheryl Fisher gave all students who entered the essays and posters in the Ron Fisher African American History Educational Fund Contest, who honors her late son: “Keep going with all the positivity.”

The winners and all other participants were recognized during an event of the Black History Month, which was sponsored by the Fisher organization, the Tribune Democrat and Community Foundation for the Allegheies at Bottle Works in Johnstown.

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The Tribune Democrat, Ron Fisher African American History Educational Fund and the Community Foundation for the Allegheies will organize an event of Black History Month in the Bottle Works in Johnstown on Saturday, March 1, 2025.

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Dave Sutor is a reporter for the Tribune Democrat. It can be reached under (814) 532-5056. Follow him on Twitter @Dave_sutor.