
Water repairs the trend higher in cranbrook

Maintenance trends for public work in 2024 increases

Inquiries for service, road, water and wastewater work as well as general work orders for public work in the city of Cranbrook are the increase in the increase of the year.

In a report by the council at the end of January 2025, a summary of the operating and maintenance trends and metrics for public work in 2024 compared to 2023 was emphasized.

With the Council divided information, trends in areas around maintenance programs and solid waste/recycling collection also emphasized. You can check the following summary report.

The most significant increase in public work in 2024 was around water-related calls with an increase in repairs of the water infrastructure by 17% compared to 2023. This increase is largely due to the aging copper service lines, which showed increased corrosion since 2021.

The total costs for the repair of service lines and the associated asphalt repairs have increased by approximately 317,740 US dollars since 2022, with labor costs for public work increasing by $ 76,320.

“Despite the cost increases, the overall budget has remained stable, which means that the resources from other maintenance programs are re -assigned. These data collected by us will help us manage resources more effectively and work with engineering in order to plan future capital substitute programs in areas with increasing failures, ”said Tony Hetu, director of public work.

Remarkable improvements recorded in 2024, including an increase in the repairs of the Bürgersteig compared to 2023, although the repairs of travel travel were not completed due to the dependency on a third -party provider.

Other road indicators such as patching and asphalt repairs showed slight climbing. Service inquiries rose by 71%, which was largely driven by 566 garbage containers during the automated collective adjustment wheelchair and water violations, reports from Dead Animal, pothole notifications and snow removal requests.

Public work has completed a sewer repair, and the cattle that Weiden at the spray irrigation site decreased due to the surgical changes and earlier irrigation according to the 2023 lagoon upgrades. The work orders rose by 32%, especially in parks, to better pursue maintenance costs. The team invited 2,242 street signs and park assets added to the city's asset management software and inspected 136 street lamps, by 14% compared to 2023.

Further information on these and other important performance indicators can be found on our website at and look for “key services indicators”.

The staff will be updated in September 2025, which is expected in September 2025.

City of Cranbrook