
Watertown explores the plan for the view

Legislators in the city of Watertown examine what to do with the city's water reservoir in Thompson Park. The five million gallons reservoir licks thousands of gallons water every day.

The water ladder Aaron Harvill said that the city had recently met with the Ministry of Health.

“We were in a mutual agreement that the city had to increase the need for this repair or exchange of this reservoir,” said Harvill.

The city carried out repairs of the reservoir last spring to repair the leak – but the officials found out in December that it had left again. The city engineer Tom Compo said estimated repairs could cost millions.

“This reservoir is 135 years old and it's tired,” said Compo.

Compo said that the preferred option is to completely replace the reservoir with a concrete tank and to install a new water transmission line from the water treatment plant to the reservoir. That would cost 4.3 million US dollars -including the demolition costs, which are estimated at around 4 million US dollars.

If the city goes hand in hand with this option, the demolition is expected to be built in June next spring.