
Weather tips: Preparation of your house for heavy thunderstorms and winds | Weather

If you check the weather forecast, it looks like we're going to storm in our area tomorrow evening.

A number of heavy showers and thunderstorms with the possibility of tornados.

Twin States News were stopped by the Lauderdale Emergency Management Agency to find ways to prepare for these storms.

“Make sure everyone knows where your safe space is in your household and where you will meet. Make sure you have a list of your medication that you have money when we have bigger storms into our area. “

There is also the possibility that strong winds will come through our area all day long. So prepare your house and your things for it.

“You may have terrace furniture. Well, you want this to be anchored, because if he picks up a table or chair and can throw it through a window, you now have a secondary damage that comes from these winds.”

A Hillary Ivy, based in Quitman, expresses how she has already prepared her house for bad weather and strong winds.

“I just cleared my farm of bad trees that were near the house or a building, and around the arrangements in the house to ensure that we all have a room we can go to to go.”

Make sure you and electronic devices are ready and available in the event of a power failure.

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